Dillan Marsh
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Skjoenne_Sjeler /
Seljord /
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cruising /
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1980 /
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Al_Pacino /
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sunrise /
untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10
Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts.
work /
exhibition /
documentation /
fair /
arena /
temporary /
movement /
driving /
car /
ritual /
drive /
architecture /
circle /
modular /
installation /
Norway /
sculpture /
tube /
incomplete /
scaffold /
dysfunctional /
custom /
pyramid /
2014 /
tire /
camp /
summer /
accumulator /
presentation /
Burnout /
cruise /
roundabout /
festival /
site /
Skjoenne_Sjeler /
Seljord /
cruising /
untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13
work /
exhibition /
recent_work /
stage /
documentation /
repeat /
loop /
fair /
arena /
temporary /
vehicle /
transport /
car /
cycle /
movement /
energy /
video /
drive /
ritual /
desire /
light /
circle /
darkness /
installation /
Norway /
sun /
time /
action /
noise /
universe /
solar /
lights /
landscape /
archetype /
carnival /
view /
custom /
motion /
machismo /
camp /
2014 /
burn /
field /
crowd /
dizzy /
dvd /
spinning /
panoramic /
chaos /
speed /
Burnout /
speaker /
trick /
cruise /
theatre /
sound_system /
constellation /
rave /
festival /
pool /
camera /
Skjoenne_Sjeler /
Seljord /
free-party /
Rush /
Oystein_Wyller_Odden /
Ellen_H_Suhrke /
river /
Anond_Versto /
cruising /
Rhine /
nitrogen /
free_party /
concert /
tunnel /
car_park /
sunrise /
russ /
techno /
American Flag 2013-09-05
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research /
work /
sign /
stage /
documentation /
facade /
loop /
video /
light /
board /
screen /
lights /
stripe /
film /
magic /
machismo /
billboard /
flag /
America /
cruising /
1980 /
Al_Pacino /
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