Dillan Marsh
Tags /
Files /
New /
Random /
research /
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
competition /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
trade /
documentation /
red /
photograph /
equipment /
product /
facade /
logo /
sport /
blue /
design /
brand /
component /
collaboration /
2012 /
stand /
repeat /
system /
loop /
box /
fair /
arena /
temporary /
race /
transport /
structure /
driving /
function /
movement /
production /
game /
print /
modular /
light /
elevation /
installation /
super /
fake /
collection /
team /
model /
empty /
booth /
Norway /
artificial /
studio /
communicaton /
shop /
board /
portable /
range /
package /
slogen /
plan /
diagramme /
furniture /
2011 /
total /
2010 /
podium /
black /
training /
animation /
retail /
scenery /
white /
drawing /
screen /
tube /
cabinate /
incomplete /
plastic /
stripe /
lights /
storage /
sale /
course /
landscape /
square /
process /
test /
sponsorship /
catalogue /
gallery /
variations /
cube /
fail /
double /
shelving /
vinyl /
steps /
dioramas /
dysfunctional /
destroy /
kit /
residue /
tire /
kunsthall /
modern /
mill_race_gallery /
pile /
Bjorn_Mortensen /
Tag_Team /
museum /
store /
stair /
dvd /
poster /
steel /
rubber /
green /
obstacle /
presentation /
court /
chair /
pod /
fruit /
crate /
bergen_kjott /
Proverommet /
glitch /
boilersuits /
ikea /
Bernat_Daviu /
cardboard /
obsolete /
rubish /
tool /
Tollbodallmeninngen_39 /
ladder /
ceramic /
glass /
tape /
overalls /
banana /
case /
florescent /
military /
back /
Gallery_Fisk /
enamel_paint /
tie_dye /
strawberry /
foam /
Trade_Systems /
steps 2013-05-08
research /
equipment /
product /
stand /
system /
structure /
function /
production /
elevation /
portable /
range /
furniture /
tube /
storage /
steps /
stair /
steel /
tool /
ladder /
Tire Mountain 2012-11-05
research /
photograph /
driving /
storage /
landscape /
pile /
tire /
rubber /
rubish /
obsolete /
cardboard packing boxes. 2012-08-30
research /
trade /
product /
system /
box /
transport /
function /
collection /
package /
board /
retail /
storage /
cube /
cardboard /
case /
Equipment Case 2012-08-30
research /
equipment /
product /
system /
box /
temporary /
transport /
movement /
function /
production /
package /
portable /
storage /
kit /
store /
green /
pod /
crate /
case /
military /
super total documentation 2012-08-15
work /
commerce /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
documentation /
red /
equipment /
facade /
logo /
blue /
brand /
collaboration /
component /
2012 /
stand /
repeat /
loop /
fair /
box /
transport /
function /
elevation /
installation /
Norway /
communicaton /
slogen /
portable /
furniture /
animation /
white /
storage /
cabinate /
fail /
dioramas /
mill_race_gallery /
museum /
dvd /
crate /
bergen_kjott /
Proverommet /
glitch /
glass /
super total isometric drawing 2012-08-15
work /
recent_work /
documentation /
red /
blue /
design /
component /
2012 /
collaboration /
repeat /
box /
transport /
function /
print /
super /
plan /
diagramme /
total /
drawing /
storage /
process /
double /
mill_race_gallery /
poster /
crate /
bergen_kjott /
Proverommet /
shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation 2012-08-12
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
trade /
documentation /
facade /
2012 /
collaboration /
repeat /
stand /
loop /
box /
temporary /
function /
production /
installation /
fake /
Norway /
artificial /
shop /
furniture /
plastic /
storage /
shelving /
store /
Bjorn_Mortensen /
fruit /
chair /
boilersuits /
Bernat_Daviu /
ceramic /
Tollbodallmeninngen_39 /
overalls /
banana /
tape /
strawberry /
tie_dye /
modular-modern-shelves-set 2012-08-12
research /
trade /
equipment /
product /
facade /
box /
function /
modular /
shop /
furniture /
cabinate /
storage /
square /
cube /
shelving /
modern /
shelving-1 2012-08-12
research /
commerce /
trade /
equipment /
product /
component /
production /
collection /
model /
package /
range /
furniture /
storage /
store /
video loop (ikea) 2012-08-10
work /
recent_work /
documentation /
product /
2012 /
repeat /
modular /
range /
furniture /
black /
animation /
white /
cabinate /
storage /
catalogue /
variations /
shelving /
ikea /
series a01w-a17w 2011-12-30
research /
exhibition /
commerce /
sign /
trade /
facade /
stand /
arena /
modular /
shop /
2011 /
plan /
animation /
storage /
sale /
shelving /
kunsthall /
store /
Trade_Systems /
tag team documentation 2010-11-19
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
competition /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
trade /
documentation /
red /
equipment /
logo /
facade /
sport /
blue /
brand /
component /
fair /
arena /
race /
temporary /
transport /
game /
production /
installation /
team /
empty /
Norway /
communicaton /
2010 /
white /
screen /
storage /
course /
dysfunctional /
residue /
Tag_Team /
court /
steel /
obstacle /
presentation /
back /
enamel_paint /
installation process tag team 2010-08-19
work /
exhibition /
recent_work /
competition /
sign /
stage /
equipment /
sport /
component /
stand /
fair /
arena /
race /
temporary /
transport /
game /
team /
portable /
2010 /
plan /
training /
retail /
storage /
course /
process /
test /
vinyl /
residue /
Tag_Team /
court /
steel /
florescent /
tape /
enamel_paint /
foam /
Documentation (installation 5.11) 2010-05-29
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
competition /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
trade /
documentation /
facade /
logo /
sport /
stand /
box /
temporary /
production /
light /
fake /
installation /
booth /
empty /
Norway /
studio /
shop /
communicaton /
board /
2010 /
podium /
retail /
scenery /
lights /
storage /
stripe /
incomplete /
sale /
gallery /
sponsorship /
shelving /
destroy /
dysfunctional /
store /
florescent /
Gallery_Fisk /
top of page