Dillan Marsh

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1374: work / recent_work / text / collaboration / belief / cycle / energy / ritual / desire / circle / time / publication / action / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / New_Age / death / creation / June_Twenty_First / music / archetype / dance / cosmos / megalith / true / god / pagan / Appendix / spiral / 1978 / green_man / Avebury / W._Anderson / Liege / E.R._Dodds / M._Dames / 1374 /

Appendix 3 (text by Eleanor Clare) 2013-08-14

Appendix 3: Miscellaneous

As cosmic man or the personification of the intelligence in the tree of life, the Green Man is
the point at which the truth is manifested in creation, whether as life, light, song, words or
other figurative forms of art. He is the medium through which divine inspiration guides the works
of time in the fullness of space. He is the point of entry of eternity into time. Space is the
medium of sound, and therefore the music of praise.

W. Anderson, Green Man: The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth.


Such circles designate, like the spirals, the paths of entry between worlds, and the pacing or
dancing of such designs in imitation of the journeys of the Gods, offers a perfect explanation of
these structures.

The Avebury henge was not a sculpture in the sense of being a finite, completed object.
Instead, it was brought to completion at the right time by human participation.

M. Dames The Avebury Cycle


In the extraordinary madness which periodically invaded Europe from the fourteenth to the
seventeenth century, people danced until they dropped.

At Liege in 1374, after certain possessed folk had come dancing half naked into the town
with garlands on their heads, dancing in the name of St John, we are told that many persons
seemingly sound in mind and body were suddenly possessed by devils and joined the dancers.

E.R. Dodds The Greeks and the Irrational

Tags: work / recent_work / text / collaboration / belief / cycle / energy / ritual / desire / circle / time / publication / action / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / New_Age / death / creation / June_Twenty_First / music / archetype / dance / cosmos / megalith / true / god / pagan / Appendix / spiral / 1978 / green_man / Avebury / W._Anderson / Liege / E.R._Dodds / M._Dames / 1374 /

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