Dillan Marsh

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trade: research / work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / logo / facade / sport / blue / design / text / brand / 2012 / collaboration / component / stand / repeat / system / loop / fair / box / arena / vehicle / race / temporary / structure / belief / transport / function / driving / car / movement / cycle / production / energy / game / ritual / drive / print / architecture / desire / modular / darkness / light / space / elevation / installation / collection / quote / team / fake / artificial / empty / model / booth / Norway / studio / escape / 2013 / shop / time / communicaton / stadium / range / portable / action / slogen / sculpture / board / body / package / podium / plan / 2011 / 2010 / decal / diagramme / furniture / Entree / motivation / universe / training / religion / black / animation / win / plinth / white / drawing / retail / scenery / yellow / death / enterprise / screen / costume / label / plastic / storage / order / cabinate / lights / incomplete / creation / solar / sale / stripe / livery / 2015 / course / show / process / square / orange / edition / simulation / gallery / catalogue / test / map / sponsorship / geometry / variations / double / cube / carnival / archetype / scale / mask / dance / steps / athletics / magic / fire / film / vinyl / destroy / kit / dysfunctional / big / shelving / pyramid / dioramas / disguise / astronomy / kunsthall / olympic / modern / camp / residue / machismo / 2014 / store / aluminium / screen_print / Bjorn_Mortensen / collage / burn / Tag_Team / advetisement / dome / obstacle / summer / poster / presentation / steel / billboard / spinning / stair / court / transformation / future / speed / usa / postcard / chair / Patrick_Wagner / fruit / Burnout / riot / matter / roundabout / rave / Bergen_Kunsthall / boilersuits / rainbow / constellation / theatre / gantry / Francois_Hugo / mdf / Bernat_Daviu / ikea / isometric / increase / pool / cardboard / discipline / florescent / 2016 / international / price / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / ceramic / checkered / case / suit / priority / tape / overalls / banana / gold / voice / web / headline / free-party / Mercedes / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / motto / carpet / 2009 / uniform / back / Goodyear / Peter Cailler / olympia / winter / urgent / Messebau-Otto-Stebel / Gallery_Fisk / will / Datsun / free_party / tie_dye / Buckminster_Fuller / Top-Buzz / enamel_paint / Frankfurt / Hugo_and_the_Planets / graph / Sir_Basil_Spence / camel / concrete / chemistry / adidas / strawberry / 1967 / Daytona / fragile / huayizl / LESTR / bob_sharp_racing / united / Helsinki / alchemy / Trade_Systems / plexiglass / athens / 1988 / 1936 / Fram / 1976 / 1969 / Jonas_Jensen / London_Book_Fair / 1906 / Brennenstuhl / Messe /

Carnival Map 2016-08-01

Master slide C A R N I V A L M A S K C O S T U M E T H E A T R E T R A G E D Y C O M E D Y G R E E C E R I T U A L R E P E T I T I O N C Y C L E A D D I C T I O N O Y L I M P I A S P O R T A R E N A C O M P E T I T I O N E X C E S S F E S T I V A L F A I R M A R K E T T R A D E F A I R T R A D E D R I V E S S E A S O N S T I M E D A R K L I G H T D E S T R O Y B U I L D C O M M E R C E F A C A D E F I C T I O N E S C A P E V I R T U A L S C E N E I L L U S I O N D I S P L A Y C O R P O R A T I O N G U I L D T E M P O R A R Y D E A T H R E B I R T H F R E E P A R T Y R I O T C A M P M O T I O N F I L M F I R E F A N T A S Y M A G I C

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / facade / system / temporary / cycle / ritual / desire / darkness / fake / escape / time / action / diagramme / black / religion / death / costume / drawing / incomplete / simulation / map / carnival / dance / dioramas / film / fire / destroy / camp / disguise / olympic / burn / summer / riot / theatre / rave / 2016 / web / free-party / winter / olympia / graph / free_party /

boilersuits 2016-07-13

boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits boilersuits

Tags: research / work / trade / product / blue / production / team / body / range / black / costume / yellow / sale / orange / livery / kit / disguise / boilersuits / overalls / suit / uniform /

Top Buzz 2015-09-23

Top Buzz, Screen Print on Plexiglass, 2015
Top Buzz

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / fair / energy / print / slogen / plastic / 2015 / edition / orange / carnival / screen_print / advetisement / spinning / presentation / speed / rainbow / Top-Buzz / plexiglass /

Most_Things_Still_Remain_To_Be_Done 2015-07-15

Most things still remain to be done.
A glorious future!

The feeling of having finished something is an effective sleeping pill. A person who retires feeling that he has done his bit will quickly wither away. A company which feels that it has reached its goal will quickly stagnate and lose its vitality. Happiness is not reaching your goal. Happiness is being on the way. It is our wonderful fate to be just at the beginning. In all areas. We will move ahead only by constantly asking ourselves how what we are doing today can be done better tomorrow. The positive joy of discovery must be our inspiration in the future too. The word impossible has been deleted from our dictionary and must remain so... Bear in mind that time is your most important resource. You can do so much in 10 minutes. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. You can never get them back. Ten minutes are not just a sixth of your hourly pay. Ten minutes are a piece of yourself. Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity.
Most of the job remains to be done. Let us continue to be a group of positive fanatics who stubbornly and persistently refuse to accept the impossible, the negative. What we want to do, we can do and will do together. A glorious future!

The Testament of a Furniture Dealer, A Little ΙΚΕΑ Dictionary, Ingvar Kamprad

Tags: research / work / trade / text / brand / belief / ritual / quote / time / motivation / religion / training / transformation / future / discipline / ikea / voice / motto /

Burning Mill 2015-07-15

Burning Mill
Manufacture is word, which, in the vicissitude of language, has come to signify the reverse of its intrinsic meaning, for it now denotes every extensive product of art, which is made by machinery, with little or no aid of the human hand; so that the most perfect manufacture is that which dispenses entirely with manual labour. The philosophy of manufactures is therefore an exposition of the general principles, on which productive industry should be conducted by self-acting machines....The term Factory... I conceive that this title, in its strictest sense, involves the idea of a vast automaton, composed of various mechanical and intellectual Organs, acting in uninterrupted concert for the production of a common object, all of them being subordinated to a self-regulated moving force

The Philosophy of Manufactures: or an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral, and Commercial Economy of the Factory System of Great Britain, Andrew Ure, 1835

Tags: research / work / trade / text / movement / production / quote / fire / magic / burn / Burnout /

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10

Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / ritual / space / studio / action / universe / creation / solar / geometry / mask / archetype / magic / modern / 2014 / astronomy / machismo / collage / transformation / matter / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Peter Cailler / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / alchemy /

Frankfurt Messe 2013-04-25

Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe

Tags: research / work / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / architecture / artificial / 2013 / enterprise / sale / show / camp / roundabout / Frankfurt / concrete / Messe /

cardboard packing boxes. 2012-08-30

cardboard packing boxes.

Tags: research / trade / product / system / box / transport / function / collection / package / board / retail / storage / cube / cardboard / case /

Mercedes Frankfurt 2012-08-30

Mercedes Frankfurt

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / photograph / facade / sport / system / fair / arena / temporary / car / driving / drive / modular / elevation / podium / plinth / enterprise / gantry / Mercedes / Frankfurt / 1969 /

stadium and swimming pool 2012-08-25

stadium and swimming pool stadium and swimming pool

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / photograph / arena / temporary / race / game / architecture / space / stadium / win / athletics / olympic / modern / pool / international / 1936 / athens / 1906 /

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation 2012-08-12

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / trade / documentation / facade / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / stand / loop / box / temporary / function / production / installation / fake / artificial / Norway / shop / furniture / storage / plastic / shelving / Bjorn_Mortensen / store / fruit / chair / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / tape / ceramic / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / banana / strawberry / tie_dye /

expo67 2012-08-12

expo67 expo67

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / structure / architecture / modular / sponsorship / geometry / pyramid / olympic / camp / dome / postcard / Buckminster_Fuller / 1967 / Sir_Basil_Spence /

fig7 2012-08-12


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / trade / equipment / product / fair / temporary / modular / steps / stair /

modular-modern-shelves-set 2012-08-12


Tags: research / trade / equipment / product / facade / box / function / modular / shop / furniture / storage / cabinate / square / cube / shelving / modern /

shelving-1 2012-08-12


Tags: research / commerce / trade / equipment / product / component / production / collection / model / range / package / furniture / storage / store /

Display System 2012-08-12

Display System Display System Display System

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / trade / equipment / product / facade / stand / system / fair / structure / architecture / modular / booth / shop / furniture / sale / modern / aluminium / store /

packaging labels 2012-08-09

packaging labels

Tags: research / commerce / sign / trade / logo / component / repeat / shop / package / label / order / priority / urgent / fragile /

tool manufacturer logos 2012-08-09

tool manufacturer logos

Tags: research / commerce / sign / trade / equipment / logo / brand / team / range / label / sale /

PriceLabels1 2012-08-09


Tags: research / commerce / trade / repeat / shop / package / sale / order / label / price /

Sale_Tags_Labels_Color_Coding 2012-08-09


Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / trade / shop / label / sale / store / price /

Sale1 2012-08-09


Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / shop / range / slogen / label / sale / increase / price /

will win 2012-07-15

will win

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / trade / logo / sport / design / 2012 / game / team / motivation / win / double / billboard / will /

Increase Design 2012-07-15

Increase Design

Tags: work / sign / trade / logo / design / 2012 / slogen / board / motivation / big / increase / headline /

70x100 Screen Print Edition 2012-05-15

70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition
Screen Print Edition in collaboration with Patrick Wagner/Handsome Boy Press.
Supported by Entree/Norsk-finsk kulturfond.
70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / logo / blue / design / brand / collaboration / 2012 / transport / print / decal / stripe / orange / livery / edition / double / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

986 International 2012-04-16

986 International

Tags: research / trade / red / product / logo / vehicle / transport / decal / black / stripe / livery / international /

50x70 Screen Print Edition 2012-04-15

50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition
Screen Print Edition in collaboration with Patrick Wagner/Handsome Boy Press.
Supported by Entree/Norsk-finsk kulturfond.
50x70 Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / trade / documentation / logo / blue / design / brand / collaboration / 2012 / transport / print / Entree / decal / stripe / edition / orange / livery / double / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner / Helsinki /

logos[1] 2012-01-16


Tags: research / commerce / sign / trade / logo / brand / label /

fair stand basis 2011-12-31

fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / red / product / facade / brand / stand / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / white / variations / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-a series 2011-12-30

stand design-a series

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / facade / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-b-c-d series 2011-12-30

stand design-b-c-d series

Tags: exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / plan / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

series a01w-a17w 2011-12-30

series a01w-a17w

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / facade / stand / arena / modular / shop / plan / 2011 / animation / storage / sale / shelving / kunsthall / store / Trade_Systems /

adidasleosforusa 2011-11-16


Tags: research / competition / trade / red / equipment / logo / sport / blue / brand / race / game / team / package / win / training / white / sponsorship / kit / olympic / usa / uniform / adidas /

fair stands 2011-08-17

fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / equipment / product / brand / stand / system / architecture / modular / space / artificial / booth / shop / portable / board / furniture / screen / variations / camp / usa /

London-Book-Fair 2011-08-17

London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / space / empty / booth / shop / board / furniture / enterprise / retail / lights / sale / cabinate / shelving / chair / London_Book_Fair /

Ancasta-exhibition-display- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / sign / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / temporary / structure / production / booth / shop / retail / white / incomplete / shelving /

Exhibition-Booth-3-3- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / sign / stage / trade / product / facade / logo / component / stand / fair / arena / structure / function / architecture / modular / space / collection / empty / booth / shop / communicaton / portable / package / range / furniture / white / retail / lights / sale / sponsorship / kit / camp / chair / huayizl /

gantry 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / structure / car / elevation / lights / aluminium / gantry /

kunsthall isometric diagrammes 2011-06-17

kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / equipment / product / facade / design / brand / component / repeat / stand / system / fair / arena / temporary / structure / production / print / architecture / modular / space / collection / empty / booth / shop / range / portable / 2011 / diagramme / drawing / enterprise / process / catalogue / gallery / variations / kunsthall / modern / Bergen_Kunsthall /

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) 2011-06-01

photo Jonas IB Jensen documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall)

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / facade / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / Norway / empty / booth / sculpture / 2011 / white / vinyl / kunsthall / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / florescent / carpet / Jonas_Jensen /

kunsthall isometric colour 2011-05-30

kunsthall isometric colour

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / product / facade / design / stand / fair / arena / temporary / print / architecture / modular / booth / empty / studio / plan / 2011 / drawing / white / catalogue / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric /

Square Design 2011-05-11

Square Design

Tags: work / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square / kunsthall /

square design print 2011-04-30

square design print

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square /

microscale decal 2010-12-16

microscale decal

Tags: research / sign / trade / red / product / logo / blue / brand / repeat / vehicle / transport / team / model / decal / white / livery / variations / scale / usa /

tag team documentation 2010-11-19

tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / equipment / logo / facade / sport / blue / brand / component / fair / arena / temporary / race / transport / production / game / team / installation / empty / Norway / communicaton / 2010 / screen / white / storage / course / dysfunctional / residue / Tag_Team / steel / obstacle / presentation / court / back / enamel_paint /

Component Design (large sign) 2010-11-15

Component Design (large sign)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / facade / logo / blue / design / brand / component / arena / board / plan / decal / 2010 / stripe / livery / process / test / scale / double / vinyl / Tag_Team /

component design (small sign) 2010-11-11

component design (small sign)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / team / board / decal / 2010 / plan / white / stripe / label / livery / process / test / Tag_Team /

tag team design 2010-10-15

tag team design tag team design

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / transport / decal / 2010 / stripe / process / livery / double / Tag_Team /

logos 2010-08-29

logos logos logos logos logos logos logos

Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / equipment / sport / blue / text / brand / race / transport / car / game / team / communicaton / stadium / board / package / decal / enterprise / label / orange / livery / checkered / Goodyear / camel / Daytona / Datsun / bob_sharp_racing / 1976 / LESTR / Fram / Brennenstuhl / 1988 /

united 2010-08-29


Tags: research / commerce / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / brand / transport / function / communicaton / decal / enterprise / label / united /

Documentation (installation 5.11) 2010-05-29

Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11)

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / facade / logo / sport / stand / box / temporary / production / light / fake / installation / empty / Norway / booth / studio / communicaton / shop / board / podium / 2010 / retail / scenery / stripe / incomplete / sale / lights / storage / sponsorship / gallery / dysfunctional / shelving / destroy / store / florescent / Gallery_Fisk /

DMA Design 2010-04-11

DMA Design

Tags: work / sign / trade / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / 2010 / gallery / poster / Gallery_Fisk /

Blue and Red Design 2 2009-08-04

Blue and Red Design 2

Tags: work / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / 2009 /

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