Dillan Marsh

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space: research / work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / photograph / equipment / product / facade / logo / sport / design / text / brand / component / collaboration / 2012 / repeat / stand / system / loop / fair / box / arena / temporary / race / vehicle / belief / structure / driving / cycle / function / car / movement / game / energy / production / video / ritual / drive / architecture / print / desire / modular / light / darkness / circle / space / elevation / team / fake / collection / installation / booth / empty / model / Norway / artificial / collapse / sun / 2013 / escape / studio / communicaton / orbit / publication / shop / time / stadium / package / range / sculpture / board / body / portable / action / plan / diagramme / Entree / 2011 / Eleanor_Clare / furniture / New_Age / noise / universe / religion / black / animation / win / training / white / screen / scenery / tube / drawing / enterprise / retail / death / costume / cabinate / creation / plastic / lights / incomplete / order / sale / solar / sound / edition / process / scaffold / landscape / June_Twenty_First / orange / hippie / geometry / catalogue / sponsorship / music / modified / gallery / test / map / carnival / dance / mask / scale / cube / variations / archetype / vinyl / dysfunctional / athletics / magic / fire / pyramid / kit / film / wheel / custom / rock / shelving / destroy / therapy / astronomy / machismo / camp / new / kunsthall / mill_race_gallery / disguise / 2014 / modern / olympic / tire / motion / audio / advetisement / collage / Tag_Team / aluminium / midsummer / burn / solstice / dvd / presentation / dome / cosmos / helmet / summer / steel / chamber / court / accumulator / rubber / poster / transformation / set / future / Trophy / crate / etheric / Burnout / riot / postcard / bergen_kjott / usa / chair / wall / matter / club / speed / road / nature / Bergen_Kunsthall / roundabout / solar_system / rave / cruise / rainbow / still_life / constellation / pool / colour / magnetic_field / spectrum / Apis_Press / tool / band / Francois_Hugo / cardboard / isolation / mdf / acoustic / increase / phenomena / rubish / festival / god / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / review / planets / ladder / march / tank / free-party / Nestle / flyer / triangle / international / heliotherapy / drum / Rush / gold / pentagon / chacras / london / Anond_Versto / back / awkward / gap / Robert_Fludd / Peter Cailler / Archway / Ellen_H_Suhrke / vegetable / M25 / carpet / utopia / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / 1617 / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / drop_city / Buckminster_Fuller / insulation / Richard_Kallweit / chord / chariot / Infernal_Eternal / hexagon / timer / Vanitas / John Higgins / Out_of_Key / Gene_Bernofsky / room / self_sufficient / spiral / Helios / Piramid Stage / Sunderland / odyssey / Mayhem / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / JoAnn_Bernofsky / Clark_Richert / 1965 / Joar_Nedberg / Audar_Kantun / tie_dye / geo-dome / eternal / mono-print / polygon / Jan_van_Huysum / Bulgari / Charles_DiJulio / 1978 / hour_meter / platonic_solids / Kohler / 1990 / Dodecahedron / stripes / stool / mountain / Espen_Johansen / London_Book_Fair / felini / Freddie_Mercury / 1981 / Marduk / dice / 1992 / Halloween / marble / Arosa / athens / 2000 / E_C_Cawte / Homer / Tomorrow_is_Born / chocolate / spanner / Shepton_Mallet / minimalism / 1936 / Cinecitta / R_Murray_Schafer / Nothing_About_Trees / drinking_straws / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / Milton_Keynes / huayizl / narrative / 1906 / Benjamin_Entner / infinity / Evelyn-White / Okeanos / Guisers / Glastonbury / pumpkin / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / alchemy /

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-09-09

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

- collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Series 22
- role playing dice with the numbers removed and in the forms of the 5 Platonic Solids
- collage with Bulgari advertisement Eternal Values and bookmark with Vanitas by Jan van Huysum
- RUSH, Yikes and Power Promotions (1992) on a small white stool
- Collage with Odyssey, a Journey into Dance and postcard Urnascher Sylvesterchause
- Trophy, marble base, universal imperial spanner and chocolate wrapper
- Tomorrow is Born, Acidica Productions (Shepton Mallet, 1992)
- postcard of Arosa 1800m, Innerarosa, Alpentobel, Erzhorn
- digital machine timer Red Lion 202/95EC (counting the time in milliseconds)
- NEW AGE (Milton Keynes)
- a toy Halloween pumpkin
- mono-print on paper Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / documentation / fair / cycle / energy / production / ritual / print / space / installation / collection / Norway / time / sculpture / New_Age / noise / black / white / death / scenery / costume / creation / plastic / orange / landscape / geometry / music / dance / mask / cube / carnival / pyramid / motion / 2014 / new / advetisement / collage / future / poster / Trophy / cosmos / presentation / summer / chair / postcard / wall / riot / nature / club / rainbow / still_life / constellation / solar_system / cruise / rave / colour / Francois_Hugo / band / tool / festival / Skjoenne_Sjeler / flyer / triangle / free-party / gold / Nestle / Rush / Seljord / utopia / Anond_Versto / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / M25 / vegetable / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / 1990 / hexagon / Jan_van_Huysum / mountain / Bulgari / stool / Piramid Stage / Out_of_Key / odyssey / mono-print / polygon / hour_meter / timer / Vanitas / Kohler / eternal / Dodecahedron / stripes / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / Mayhem / marble / Shepton_Mallet / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / 1992 / Halloween / chocolate / Tomorrow_is_Born / Arosa / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / pumpkin / spanner / Milton_Keynes /

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10

Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / ritual / space / studio / action / universe / solar / creation / geometry / mask / archetype / magic / machismo / modern / 2014 / astronomy / collage / transformation / matter / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / Peter Cailler / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / alchemy /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / repeat / stand / loop / race / vehicle / structure / belief / driving / car / cycle / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / darkness / circle / space / collection / installation / 2013 / collapse / time / orbit / action / noise / New_Age / animation / black / tube / costume / screen / solar / sound / scaffold / geometry / modified / music / gallery / dance / mask / cube / rock / fire / shelving / custom / film / pyramid / wheel / tire / disguise / machismo / burn / rubber / dvd / presentation / dome / helmet / steel / club / road / postcard / riot / Burnout / speed / roundabout / solar_system / rave / band / spectrum / rubish / Francois_Hugo / phenomena / cardboard / march / drum / ladder / free-party / Nestle / planets / tank / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / geo-dome / Piramid Stage / Kohler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Marduk / dice / Nothing_About_Trees / E_C_Cawte / 1981 / 2000 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury /

Helios (text by Eleanor CLare) 2013-08-14

As he rides his chariot, he shines upon men and deathless gods, and piercingly he gazes
with his eyes from his golden helmet. Bright rays beam dazzlingly from him, and his
bright locks streaming from the temples of his head gracefully enclose his far-seen face: a rich,
fine-spun garment glows upon his body and flutters in the wind: and stallions carry him.
Then, when he has stayed his golden-yoked chariot and horses, he rests there upon the
highest point of heaven, until he marvellously drives them down again through heaven to Okeanos."

Homeric Hymn 31 to Helios (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.)


I lived to dance all night. A surging energy created a new and unprecedented confidence:
that it was possible to cheat time. I felt invincible - transcendent. Life was light, without fear
of death; at least not in this state of being. I sensed in my body vibrations of sound.
The closer I got to the source, the more it enveloped me, becoming a physical entwinement with
music and space. I felt one with it. But as the years passed, inevitably my heart began to
beat out of time. The breath did not come so easily. I held it at the top for a few seconds,
afraid to exhale. In these moments, the perceived syncopation that was once such a joy had
started to become a dissonance.


I feel alive, and the world - it's turning inside out Yeah!
I'm floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now,

I'm a shooting star leaping through the skies
Like a tiger, defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go! go! go!
There's no stopping me!

I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite, I'm out of control
I am a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to
Oh -oh-oh-oh-oh explode!

(Extracts from 'Don't Stop Me Now' lyrics by Freddie Mercury, 1978)

Tags: work / recent_work / stage / text / collaboration / vehicle / belief / car / energy / darkness / light / space / 2013 / sun / time / publication / action / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / death / solar / edition / June_Twenty_First / music / dance / wheel / midsummer / helmet / cosmos / summer / solstice / Apis_Press / god / march / planets / chariot / Helios / 1978 / Evelyn-White / Okeanos / Freddie_Mercury / Homer /

Spiral Solar System 2013-07-02

Spiral Solar System

Tags: research / repeat / loop / system / structure / movement / space / orbit / universe / creation / order / solar / astronomy / solar_system / increase / magnetic_field / spiral /

The Chakras and The Stars 2013-06-27

The Chakras and The Stars

Tags: research / loop / system / belief / cycle / space / orbit / body / New_Age / universe / solar / astronomy / cosmos / solar_system / planets / chacras /

Robert Fludd The Primordial Darknes 2012-11-02

Et sic in infinitum (and like this to infinity)
Utriusque Cosmi Maioris scilicet et Minoris Metaphysica, Physica, atque Technica Historia (The Metaphysical, Physical, and Technical History of the Two Worlds, Namely the Greater and the Lesser)
The primordial darkness of the universe at the moment before creation.
Robert Fludd The Primordial Darknes

Tags: research / darkness / space / sun / black / creation / Robert_Fludd / 1617 / infinity /

Robert Fludd The Tuning of the World 2012-11-02

R. Murray Schafer … the earth forms the body of an instrument across which strings are stretched and are tuned by a divine hand. We must try once again to find the secret of that tuning.” Robert Fludd The Tuning of the World

Tags: research / energy / space / sun / noise / religion / black / order / sound / music / geometry / audio / acoustic / 1617 / Robert_Fludd / chord / R_Murray_Schafer /

Robert Fludd 2012-11-02

Robert Fludd Robert Fludd

Tags: research / light / circle / darkness / space / sun / black / map / astronomy / cosmos / 1617 / Robert_Fludd /

light therapy 2012-08-26

light therapy

Tags: research / photograph / arena / belief / circle / light / space / empty / studio / sun / New_Age / religion / screen / lights / hippie / therapy / chamber / dome / accumulator / etheric / club / colour / spectrum / heliotherapy / chacras / room /

arena 2012-08-25


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / photograph / sport / stand / arena / movement / game / space / team / stadium / action / sponsorship / court /

stadium and swimming pool 2012-08-25

stadium and swimming pool stadium and swimming pool

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / photograph / arena / temporary / race / game / architecture / space / stadium / win / athletics / olympic / modern / pool / international / athens / 1906 / 1936 /

mill race gallery 2012-08-15

Mill Race is an object as well as a Gallery space. It is portable and can be opened anywhere, this paves the way for artists to work both in a white cube, but also with the environment and the external context in which the gallery is placed. Instead of only bringing the art into the gallery, the gallery itself, can be incorporated in a site specific work or project, and open a dialogue between the public space and more specifically the gallery space. Most of all, Mill Race Gallery is a physical and mental playground for artists who want to explore this format and the issues it entails.

Tags: work / text / collaboration / 2012 / space / Norway / portable / package / white / gallery / cube / mill_race_gallery / crate / bergen_kjott / Audar_Kantun / Joar_Nedberg /

drop city 2012-08-12

drop city drop city drop city

Tags: research / photograph / temporary / function / architecture / modular / space / escape / hippie / geometry / camp / dome / usa / pentagon / Gene_Bernofsky / JoAnn_Bernofsky / Clark_Richert / 1965 / Charles_DiJulio / Richard_Kallweit / tie_dye / drop_city / Buckminster_Fuller / self_sufficient /

roomsound-250x250 2012-08-12


Tags: research / photograph / box / production / architecture / space / booth / empty / studio / sound / chamber / isolation / back / room / insulation /

tag-team katalog 2012-03-19

"Click to view tag-team katalog"

Installation for me is the staging of an arena; a temporal place, where there is the suggestion of narrative, but without the acting out or realisation of it. A tension or awkwardness is arrived at through the procedure. There can be an ambiguity of state; between definitives is where I find space for the work. I construct exhibition components like film or theatre scenery; with a facade of functionality. I am interested in light constructions, that can reflect the temporal and theatrical nature of an exhibition, mobility rather than permanence can be implied. A crude and provisional construction will be revealed in places; I am curious to make components that are ill fitting or dysfunctional. I want to create gaps that can be entries into the work. A gap is a hole, the place of desire; a sense of incompleteness in ourselves, we perpetually seek fulfilment, to be whole. Fantasy is continually renewed, we return again and again to the same place. For me this is also a metaphor for the creative process: the continual making and unmaking of work, the building of ideas and their subsequent deconstruction and the need build new again.

Tags: work / recent_work / stage / documentation / facade / sport / text / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / arena / temporary / function / production / desire / space / Norway / portable / scenery / incomplete / catalogue / destroy / dysfunctional / Tag_Team / awkward / gap / narrative /

Cinecitta 2011-08-30

Cinecitta Cinecitta photography Benjamin Entner Cinecitta Cinecitta

Tags: research / stage / photograph / facade / structure / function / production / space / elevation / fake / model / empty / escape / studio / stadium / 2011 / incomplete / scale / film / set / gap / felini / Benjamin_Entner / Cinecitta /

E Johansen review 2011-08-17

E Johansen review www.masterbloggen.no
Forfatter: Espen Johansen

Hver var blir et knippe studenter ferdige med mastergraden i kunst pa kunstakademiene og kunsthogskolene her til lands. Tradisjonen er at studentene viser eksamensarbeidene sine i en felles avgangsutstilling som ikke finner sted pa skolen, men pa et profesjonelt galleri. Masterbloggen har bedt masterstudenter i kunsthistorie ved universitetetene i Oslo, Bergen og Trondheim om a skrive en liten rapport fra masterutstillingen i deres hjemby. Forst ut er Espen Johansen, som har tatt turen innom utstillingen Pines & Powerlines i Bergen Kunsthall, der 24 studenter fra Kunsthogskolen i Bergen viser sine prosjekter. Utstillingen er allerede pakket ned, og nettopp derfor er det fint at Espen deler sin opplevelse av utstillingen og beskriver noen av verkene han likte aller best her pa Masterbloggen:

Det forste man opplever inne pa Bergen Kunsthall er avvisning. En slags barrikade, satt sammen av velbrukte, tilsynelatende tilfeldige elementer, er plassert like innenfor doren. Fra inngangspartiet skimter man noen ansikter over barrikaden, pa bakre vegg. Man blir fort nysgjerrig pa disse personene.

I verket, Tunings, av Sol Hallset, er den samme gutten gjengitt atte ganger i helfigur og i full storrelse (eller storre). To og to er de tegnet pa brede ruller av papir som holdes oppe av store klyper. De ulike tegningene er varierte til tross for at motivet repeteres, fordi Hallset forsterker ulike omrader med fargelegging og detaljrikdom i hver tegning. Gutten ser levende ut, og er gjengitt kjaerlig og personlig av en sirlig strek. Spesielt tegningen hvor gutten bryter den litt stive posituren og smiler bredt, vitner om et naert band mellom kunstner og motiv.

Corrina Thorntons verk, Reaching, bestar av en rekke stenger av malt leire. Noen er lent opp mot veggen, andre er montert sammen med garn, til en skulptur som strekker seg helt opp til taket. verket synes a folge en tilfeldighetens logikk. Med utgangspunkt i arr i rommets overflate har skulpturen tatt form. Thornton fant et merke pa en av lysboksene i taket. Det kvadratiske glasset er loftet pa glott, tilsynelatende holdt oppe av skulpturen som strekker seg oppover. Verket kan lett leses inn i en kunsthistorisk tradisjon, til modernistisk skulptur og prinsippet om 'drawing in space'. Samtidig er materialiteten interessant. Den harde leiren far sin motvekt i det myke garnet, og de roffe materialene gir et vakkert uttrykk. I neste rom stoter man pa et verk man forst bare ser baksiden av.

Dillan Marsh har laget en stram og usentimental modul som leder tankene mot business. Marshs verk ser ut som en vanlig 'stand' fra en (kunst-) messe, bestaende av hoyglansede MDF-plater med stenderverk av aluminium. To av sidene er apne, og innsiden er kraftig belyst av overhengende lysstoffror. Slik retter den fokus mot en del kommersielle aspekter man ofte unnlater a trekke fram. Til tross for verkets konseptuelle karakter, er det ogsa mulig a betrakte verket som et uttrykk for en industriell estetikk, grunnet dets minimalistiske formsprak. Minimalistene pa 1960-tallet gjorde seg kjent for a anvende industrielle materialer som stal, plexiglass, billakk og finerplater, til a produsere enkle og mer umiddelbare former.

Vilde Andrea Brun drofter subjektivitet og kjonnskonstruksjoner gjennom fotografi og video. Subjektivitet og femininitet er mangefasettert, og Brun sine fotografier spenner fra det mest intime gjennom en brutal aerlighet til mer poetiske skildringer. Felles er at de alltid er dypt personlige. I et videoverk skjaerer Brun et stort fotografi av en vagina i tynne strimler. Forst ett bilde pa tvers, sa et annet pa langs. De to bildene flettes deretter ritualistisk sammen, slik at motivet igjen blir synlig. Prosessen blir viktigere enn resultatet, noe tittelen Selvrefleksjon underbygger. Kunst som tematiserer femininitet benytter seg ofte av et velkjent formsprak, men Brun unngar gjentakelser, og skaper i stedet en ny sammenstilling av tankevekkende enkeltelementer gjennom sin apne og personlige tilnaerming.

Som seg hor og bor pa en slik avgangsutstilling favner kunststudentene bredt, bade med tanke pa uttrykk og tema. Flere av verkene er utfordrende, bade estetisk og konseptuelt, og i det ryddige utstillingsrommet blir verkene til de 24 kunstnerne godt representert.

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / brand / stand / fair / structure / architecture / modular / space / Norway / booth / vinyl / modern / kunsthall / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / review / carpet / minimalism / Espen_Johansen /

fair stands 2011-08-17

fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / equipment / product / brand / stand / system / architecture / modular / space / booth / artificial / shop / portable / board / furniture / screen / variations / camp / usa /

London-Book-Fair 2011-08-17

London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / space / empty / booth / shop / board / furniture / enterprise / retail / lights / sale / cabinate / shelving / chair / London_Book_Fair /

Exhibition-Booth-3-3- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / sign / stage / trade / product / facade / logo / component / stand / fair / arena / structure / function / architecture / modular / space / collection / booth / empty / communicaton / shop / portable / package / range / furniture / retail / white / sale / lights / sponsorship / kit / camp / chair / huayizl /

kunsthall isometric diagrammes 2011-06-17

kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / equipment / product / facade / design / brand / component / repeat / stand / system / fair / arena / temporary / structure / production / print / architecture / modular / space / collection / booth / empty / shop / portable / range / 2011 / diagramme / enterprise / drawing / process / catalogue / gallery / variations / kunsthall / modern / Bergen_Kunsthall /

scale tests 2011-03-30

scale tests scale tests scale tests scale tests

Tags: work / exhibition / stage / space / 2011 / plan / gallery / test / scale / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall /

squash court 2010-08-30

squash court

Tags: research / competition / facade / sport / arena / structure / game / space / empty / training / athletics / Tag_Team / court /

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