Dillan Marsh

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gatekeepers 2016-07-12

gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers gatekeepers

The sun turns black, earth sinks in the sea,
The hot stars down from heaven are whirled ;
Fierce grows the steam and the life-feeding flame,
Till fire leaps high about heaven itself.

Now Garm howls loud before Gnipahellir,
The fetters will burst, and the wolf run free ;
Much do I know, and more can see

Of the fate of the gods, the mighty in fight.

Now do I see the earth anew

Rise all green from the waves again;
The cataracts fall, and the eagle flies.
And fish he catches beneath the cliffs.

The poetic Edda, Translated from the Icelandic with an introduction and notes by Henry Adams Bellows


Tags: research / belief / cycle / game / ritual / desire / escape / Entree / win / death / costume / test / archetype / film / custom / magic / connection / hole / earth / water / true / truth / arch / edge / pass / Archway / gatekeeper /

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts. untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / fair / arena / temporary / car / movement / driving / drive / ritual / architecture / circle / modular / installation / Norway / sculpture / tube / incomplete / scaffold / custom / pyramid / dysfunctional / camp / 2014 / tire / presentation / summer / accumulator / Burnout / roundabout / cruise / festival / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / site / cruising /

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / fair / arena / vehicle / temporary / transport / cycle / car / movement / energy / video / ritual / drive / desire / circle / light / darkness / installation / Norway / sun / time / action / universe / noise / lights / solar / landscape / carnival / archetype / custom / view / camp / 2014 / motion / machismo / crowd / dizzy / field / burn / panoramic / chaos / spinning / dvd / trick / speed / Burnout / speaker / constellation / sound_system / rave / cruise / theatre / pool / camera / festival / free-party / Rush / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / Anond_Versto / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / river / Ellen_H_Suhrke / free_party / Rhine / nitrogen / car_park / sunrise / russ / techno / concert / tunnel /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / stand / repeat / loop / vehicle / race / structure / belief / car / cycle / driving / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / circle / darkness / space / installation / collection / 2013 / collapse / orbit / time / action / New_Age / noise / black / animation / costume / screen / tube / solar / scaffold / sound / gallery / music / geometry / modified / mask / cube / dance / custom / film / pyramid / wheel / fire / shelving / rock / machismo / tire / disguise / burn / dome / helmet / steel / presentation / rubber / dvd / riot / Burnout / speed / road / club / postcard / solar_system / rave / roundabout / Francois_Hugo / cardboard / phenomena / spectrum / band / rubish / planets / tank / drum / march / ladder / free-party / Nestle / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / Kohler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / geo-dome / Piramid Stage / 1981 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury / 2000 / Marduk / dice / E_C_Cawte / Nothing_About_Trees /

Sound Systems 2013-09-08

Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems

Tags: research / stage / photograph / equipment / stand / system / box / fair / temporary / collection / escape / noise / New_Age / sound / scaffold / modified / music / carnival / dance / pyramid / custom / big / pile / platform / audio / crowd / set / summer / wave / speaker / wall / club / listening / sound_system / acoustic / sub / case / rectangle / stack /

Speakers 2013-09-08


Tags: research / product / component / system / box / noise / cabinate / sound / double / custom / audio / listening / sound_system / acoustic / case /

Modified Car Cruise Burnout 2013-09-08

Modified Car Cruise Burnout

Tags: research / competition / photograph / arena / vehicle / race / transport / car / movement / driving / energy / ritual / drive / circle / escape / action / noise / sound / modified / custom / engine / destroy / fire / wheel / machismo / tire / burn / crowd / track / rubber / Burnout / road / club / cruise / hot_rod / balance /

Burnout 2013-09-08


Tags: research / competition / photograph / sport / arena / race / vehicle / cycle / movement / driving / energy / drive / ritual / circle / team / action / noise / sound / modified / wheel / engine / fire / custom / tire / machismo / burn / rubber / helmet / track / road / Burnout / cruise / Goodyear / bike / motorcycle /

Burnout (text by Eleanor Clare) 2013-08-14

Burn Out

Through the grainy unsteady image and the sound, distorted by low quality compression, it
seems like something is trying to break through. The first few seconds sound like noise
pulled through a synthesizer, screaming and kicking as it emerges, fighting for life in its new
digital form. Something about it is alarming, frightening, tortured and angry. It is half-formed,
raw and unrefined. Streaks of red and white light flash across the screen.

It is an arena for action. Something about this situation that is chaotic; yet there is an
element of control. The driver makes tight circles around a central axis. At first this is
demarcated by a traffic cone, but as things proceed, the silhouette of a young man moves into the
centre. The car stops and revs up, creating billows of smoke in the air, obliterating vision for
a few moments. As the car skids and screeches, I feel a sense of alarm. This is coming close to
disaster for the lone, central figure, potential victim of the anonymous driver, a sacrifice for
the entertainment of onlookers. I can sense also the collusion. One figure willingly places his
trust in the other. There is a tension between these two.


A smoky, fiery object is spinning recklessly. One might say things had spun out of control.
Not quite though; for to completely lose control would mean total destruction. It would mean the
end. It all went up in flames. This is a sudden, intense and short lived burst of energy. More
like a supernova than the sun, and more akin to a meteor careering around a planet, than a planet
orbiting the sun. It was more than this, though. This scene was not simply about objects in space;
it was human. It was a game or a task, perhaps even a ritual.

Although I can identify it as a human activity, shot through with the implications of one's
relationship to another, from my vantage point it also seemed anonymous. In the dark, these
figures could be anyone, totally unrecognisable by the light of day. In this moment they had a
relationship to one another. Certainly for the two central protagonists, it was one of great
significance and trust. At any other time, on any other level, it was unclear. In this sense, the
action had become symbolic. The figures could be understood as archetypes. Ones which, for reasons
I cannot yet identify, I associate with the masculine.


In the threat of a loss of control, images had already flooded my mind. I remember as the
helicopters circled in the air above my house one evening in August. I had no idea why it was
happening, but this circling was incessant, the noise repeatedly coming close and fading away,
swelling and receding, but never quite out of my consciousness. It always gives me a slight sense
of unease, the idea of something being under surveillance, coupled with the notion that something
might be wrong. Why this surveillance from such a great height? It is a safe distance for the one
who watches. Then I remembered the destruction that had taken place, just minutes away from my home.
The aerial images of buildings and cars set alight, and rioters surging through the streets, anonymous
from this point of view. London's Burning.

Tags: work / recent_work / sport / text / collaboration / loop / arena / vehicle / race / movement / car / driving / cycle / game / energy / video / drive / ritual / darkness / circle / light / 2013 / publication / orbit / action / body / Entree / Eleanor_Clare / noise / death / lights / show / course / June_Twenty_First / dance / engine / wheel / custom / fire / destroy / machismo / tire / burn / crowd / rubber / road / riot / Burnout / roundabout / Apis_Press / hot_rod / london /

Fermilab Dodecahedron 2013-07-03

Fermilab Dodecahedron Fermilab Dodecahedron

Tags: research / exhibition / temporary / structure / production / architecture / modular / incomplete / scaffold / geometry / custom / modern / new / chamber / dome / pod / pentagon / Dodecahedron / lab /

Kustom Kar Kommandos 2013-06-23

Tags: research / equipment / vehicle / race / driving / car / movement / video / drive / desire / escape / show / modified / music / rock / custom / engine / film / machismo / garage / hot_rod / 1965 / dashboard / Kenneth_Anger / puck /

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