Dillan Marsh

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exhibition: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / logo / facade / sport / blue / text / design / brand / component / collaboration / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / system / fair / box / arena / temporary / race / vehicle / structure / transport / belief / cycle / driving / car / function / movement / production / energy / game / video / ritual / drive / print / architecture / desire / darkness / circle / modular / light / elevation / space / collection / installation / team / fake / super / model / Norway / empty / booth / artificial / studio / sun / 2013 / collapse / escape / stadium / time / communicaton / publication / orbit / shop / package / action / slogen / portable / board / body / range / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / total / plan / podium / diagramme / 2010 / 2011 / furniture / Entree / New_Age / noise / motivation / universe / animation / black / win / religion / plinth / training / retail / yellow / enterprise / white / tube / screen / scenery / costume / death / drawing / cabinate / stripe / creation / success / incomplete / storage / sale / lights / solar / plastic / order / simulation / course / 2015 / scaffold / landscape / show / edition / June_Twenty_First / sound / orange / process / modified / map / sponsorship / music / gallery / geometry / catalogue / test / dance / mask / scale / double / archetype / carnival / fail / cube / variations / dioramas / shelving / steps / rock / dysfunctional / engine / pyramid / connection / wheel / kit / athletics / magic / big / film / vinyl / view / destroy / fire / therapy / custom / mill_race_gallery / motion / disguise / pile / platform / olympic / machismo / residue / modern / 2014 / tire / astronomy / camp / new / kunsthall / aluminium / circus / advetisement / audio / field / Bjorn_Mortensen / crowd / midsummer / store / collage / hole / museum / Tag_Team / screen_print / burn / dizzy / dvd / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / stair / future / steel / garage / set / helmet / summer / chaos / presentation / chamber / poster / spinning / billboard / obstacle / panoramic / track / rubber / dome / court / Trophy / skin / solstice / cosmos / accumulator / usa / status / Patrick_Wagner / club / road / nature / matter / Burnout / postcard / chair / speed / crate / wall / riot / trick / speaker / fruit / league / pod / flag / earth / wave / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / boilersuits / nature / megalith / seek / still_life / rave / sound_system / Randi_Grov_Berger / solar_system / rainbow / mirror / water / cruise / press_release / creativity / Proverommet / listening / pattern / America / constellation / roundabout / Bergen_Kunsthall / theatre / touch / giant / gantry / discipline / Apis_Press / phenomena / projection / Adventure_Island / cardboard / reconstruction / feet / spectrum / Bernat_Daviu / Assembly_House_Studios / elephant / Bergen / band / tool / sick / barrier / mdf / isometric / pool / festival / camera / viewpoint / colour / Francois_Hugo / rubish / Comedy_and_Tragedy / shrine / acoustic / ride / overalls / Norsk_Kulturradet / sub / Mathijs_van_Geest / hot_rod / checkered / tank / site / plant / suit / feel / hands / edge / About_Time / review / disappearance / priority / march / Appendix / star / voice / decay / heliotherapy / fibreglass / web / florescent / Seljord / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / ceramic / Rush / flyer / tape / banana / Bergen_Kommune / arch / sequence / pass / international / pipe / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / dedication / triangle / interchange / drum / ladder / free-party / planets / Nestle / Skjoenne_Sjeler / gold / longing / 2016 / pagan / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Lester_Drake / taxidermy / hurdle / nordic / rail / overcome / pentagon / M25 / utopia / storm / Archipelago / Messebau-Otto-Stebel / cruising / back / olympia / Ellie_MacGarry / Mercedes / dog / octagon / line / london / head / rubbing / clay / uniform / gap / excitement / carpet / ancient / Ellen_H_Suhrke / Tigh_na_Cailleach / Rufus_Newell / Mike_Winnard / Gallery_Fisk / Moderna_Museet / sketch / Peter Cailler / Archway / awkward / winter / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Toucher / Anond_Versto / vegetable / Matt_Wheeldon / perspective / 2009 / river / strawberry / enamel_paint / Asta_Ostrovskaja / Gabriele_Edlbauer / Marjolijn_Dijkman / Sindri_Snaer_Sveinbjargar_Leifsson / Hannah_Conroy / geo-dome / Kohler / Peforma13 Hub / odyssey / eternal / hexagon / stool / Bulgari / free_party / C-print / Hugo_and_the_Planets / Helios / pier / Hordaland_Kunstsenter / Buckminster_Fuller / Stockholm / Baldvin_Einarsson / Helene_Norseth / Michelle_Teran / Werner_Nekes / Vilnius / Lina_Zaveckyte / concrete / Castle_and_Elephant / raft / hour_meter / platonic_solids / performa / polygon / timer / John Higgins / nitrogen / estuary / sea / low_tide / Sir_Basil_Spence / bust / adidas / Frankfurt / weather / Emma_Houlihan / Bryndis_Bjornsdottir / Hulda_Stefansdottir / symposium / Reykjavik / Irma_Stanaityte / Elizabeth_Rowe / Dodecahedron / Infernal_Eternal / Piramid Stage / Sunderland / 1990 / stripes / mountain / Rhine / Avebury / Out_of_Key / tide / Metal / fair ground / Southend / jumping / tie_dye / 1967 / gondolas / Arthurs_Seat / 1952 / Pella_Kagerman / Domas_Rukas / Karen_Kipphoff / Olav_Westphalen / Kari_Stefansson / reveal / Rumiko_Hagiwara / motorcycle / New York / mono-print / Jan_van_Huysum / Vanitas / Mayhem / failure / SUPER_TOTAL / mud_flats / unconscious / graph / constructivist / athens / lis_hartel / Kunstforum / Guisers / dice / Glastonbury / Tomorrow_is_Born / marble / russ / tunnel / mummers / christmas / Andrew_Taggart / Nadia_Belerique / Face / Jonas_Jensen / Trade_Systems / travel / obmokhu / London_Book_Fair / foam / 1936 / dinosaur / Marduk / drinking_straws / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / Halloween / chocolate / Arosa / Milton_Keynes / car_park / monitor / Chloe_Lewis / Vancouver_Art_Gallery / New_Haven_Bay / Mascots_and_Stones / minimalism / 1906 / Messe / whale / Camilla _Brochs-Haukedal / Nothing_About_Trees / 1981 / E_C_Cawte / Natasha_Marie_Llorens / pumpkin / children / concert / sunrise / sandpaper / kardashian / painting / Jacob_Glesson / MOLAF / Granton_Mound / Poke_Holes / Espen_Johansen / huayizl / 1969 / lab / 2000 / 1992 / spanner / Shepton_Mallet / techno / David_LaChapelle / bass_amp / lamp / whispering / Josefine_Lyche / Halhjem_Helleristninger / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause /

Carnival Map 2016-08-01

Master slide C A R N I V A L M A S K C O S T U M E T H E A T R E T R A G E D Y C O M E D Y G R E E C E R I T U A L R E P E T I T I O N C Y C L E A D D I C T I O N O Y L I M P I A S P O R T A R E N A C O M P E T I T I O N E X C E S S F E S T I V A L F A I R M A R K E T T R A D E F A I R T R A D E D R I V E S S E A S O N S T I M E D A R K L I G H T D E S T R O Y B U I L D C O M M E R C E F A C A D E F I C T I O N E S C A P E V I R T U A L S C E N E I L L U S I O N D I S P L A Y C O R P O R A T I O N G U I L D T E M P O R A R Y D E A T H R E B I R T H F R E E P A R T Y R I O T C A M P M O T I O N F I L M F I R E F A N T A S Y M A G I C

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / facade / system / temporary / cycle / ritual / desire / darkness / fake / escape / time / action / diagramme / religion / black / death / costume / drawing / incomplete / simulation / map / carnival / dance / destroy / dioramas / film / fire / camp / disguise / olympic / burn / summer / riot / theatre / rave / 2016 / web / free-party / winter / olympia / free_party / graph /

Adventure Island, 22nd April - 8th May 2016-04-22

Adventure Island, 22nd April - 8th May

Hordaland Kunstsenter, Archipelago: Eleanor Clare & Dillan Marsh

Hendene famler
Kloden roterer
Tidevannet stiger

Stadig å fortsette framover; å søke etter
Solen, som slynger sine slående stråler; som forsvinner
Under Brygga, et vesen lever; forråtner
Ved enden av Landet; Sjøen

Det finnes en innside og en utside, et mørkt indre og et lyst ytre. Under huden, inni kroppen, er mye flytende. Dette er stedet hvor det underbevisste virker, fordøyer og prosesserer og samler og skiller substanser.

De lette etter selve begynnelsene av mening og skapelse: for å sammenføye tusener av år tilbake med idag. De ville finne det, men da de ankom, visste de fortsatt ikke hva de skulle gjøre.

I dypene av himmelen fantes ingen speil, og i solens sted gapte et stort blødende hull der kanskje en jeksel hadde blitt vridd ut. Sjøen hadde sannsynligvis blitt tømt, og etterlot seg hulrommet av sin beholder omsluttet av et svimlende stup. Kloden selv hadde forsvunnet, hadde opphørt å være solid.
– Le Clezio, J.M.G., The Book of Flights.

Eleanor Clare og Dillan Marsh bor i Bergen, og har lagd arbeider sammen siden 2013, et samarbeid som begynte som en utforskning av hvordan det å lage kunstverk og å skrive gjensidig kan påvirke hverandre i å forstå mening og utviklingen av form og struktur. Clare har en mastergrad i kunst fra Central Saint Martins, London (2011), og Marsh en mastergrad fra Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen (2011). Sammen har de produsert verk for følgende aktører: Parabol Bergen, Assembly House Leeds, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, ASC Gallery London, Deuxpiece/Büro für Problem Basel og Apis Press Bergen.

Prosjektet er støttet av Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Assembly House Leeds, Metal Arts, Bergen Kommune og Norsk Kulturråd.


Archipelago er et lite, fleksibelt visningsrom for å vise enkeltverk og installasjoner i et fokusert, men åpent miljø. Siden rommet ligger i førsteetasje på Hordaland kunstsenter, like ved siden av et større, mer formelt utstillingsrom, åpner Archipelago opp for å undersøke de skiftende egenskapene ved et kunstverk med begrensningene av et lite, fysisk rom, i en tidsalder med virtuelle rom.
Programmet til Archipelago planlegges kort tid i forveien for hvert nye prosjekt, med den hensikt å gjeninnsette kuratorisk smidighet og nåtidig engasjement i institusjonen. Disse utstillingene følger en annen tidsplan enn Hordaland kunstsenters hovedprogram for utstillinger, og er tenkt som en gruppe av «tenkeøyer» som oppstår i tiden.

Hordaland Kunstsenter, Archipelago: Eleanor Clare & Dillan Marsh

The hands are scrabbling
The earth is turning
The tide is rising

Constantly forging onwards; seeking
The Sun, casting its glorious rays; disappearing
Under the Pier, a creature lives; decaying
At the end of the Land; the Sea

There is an inside and an outside, a dark interior and a light exterior. Under the skin, in the body, much is fluid. This is where the unconscious is at work, digesting and processing and merging and separating matter.

They were looking for the very beginnings of meaning and making: to connect thousands of years ago with today. They wanted to find it, but when they arrived, they still didn't know what to do.

In the depths of the sky, there were no mirrors, and in place of the sun a great bleeding hole gaped where perhaps a molar had been wrenched out. The sea had probably emptied, leaving the hollow of its basin rimmed by a dizzy precipice. The earth itself had disappeared, had ceased to be solid.
Le Clezio, J.M.G., The Book of Flights.

Eleanor Clare and Dillan Marsh live in Bergen, and have been producing works together since 2013, a collaboration which began as an investigation into how making artwork and writing can mutually influence one another in the understanding of meaning, development of form and structure. Clare received MA Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2011, and Marsh MA Visual Art from Bergen Academy of Art and Design, 2011. They have produced collaborative work for the following organisations: Parabol Bergen, Assembly House Leeds, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, ASC Gallery London, Deuxpiece/Buro fur Problem Basel and Apis Press Bergen.

Research and development has been supported by Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Assembly House Leeds, Metal Arts, Bergen Kommune and Norwegian Arts Council.

Fossils and Stars

Archipelago is a small, flexible platform for showing individual works and installations in a focused but open environment. Located on the ground floor of Hordaland kunstsenter, adjacent to a larger, more formal exhibition space, archipelago works with the constraint of limited physical space in order to explore the changing modalities of artworks in the age of virtual space. Archipelago is programmed with short lead times for each new project, with the intention of reinserting curatorial agility and real-time engagement into the institution. This initiative follows a different schedule to Hordaland kunstsenter's main exhibition programme, and is conceived as a group of 'thought islands' appearing in time.

"Click to view Adventure Island, 22nd April - 8th May"

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / facade / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / fair / movement / energy / video / darkness / light / installation / fake / artificial / sun / time / publication / body / action / Eleanor_Clare / scenery / landscape / simulation / carnival / view / film / wheel / motion / residue / dizzy / hole / circus / set / spinning / panoramic / skin / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / rubber / wave / matter / nature / speed / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / nature / water / press_release / Adventure_Island / ride / camera / pool / viewpoint / sick / touch / feet / Mathijs_van_Geest / fibreglass / edge / decay / 2016 / hands / feel / Archipelago / river / excitement / Toucher / fair ground / pier / jumping / low_tide / Metal / unconscious / estuary / mud_flats / sea / Hordaland_Kunstsenter / tide / Southend /

Adventure Island, Hordaland Kunstsenter 2016-04-22

Adventure Island, Hordaland Kunstsenter

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / facade / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / fair / vehicle / movement / energy / video / darkness / light / installation / fake / artificial / sun / publication / time / action / body / Eleanor_Clare / scenery / landscape / simulation / carnival / film / wheel / view / residue / motion / dizzy / hole / circus / panoramic / skin / spinning / rubber / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / set / wave / matter / earth / speed / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / nature / water / seek / press_release / sick / Adventure_Island / pool / camera / ride / viewpoint / feet / touch / Mathijs_van_Geest / 2016 / edge / Rush / decay / feel / fibreglass / hands / rubbing / Toucher / Archipelago / excitement / Southend / fair ground / mud_flats / Metal / tide / low_tide / sea / estuary / Hordaland_Kunstsenter / pier / unconscious / jumping /

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds 2015-12-15

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds
The Travels of The Toucher

Dillan Marsh & Eleanor Clare

Video projection with audio played through a bass amp, 45 sec. loop
Framed digital C-print, 60x85cm
Audio, played through a mini guitar amp, 5.20min. loop
Digital photograph on 32 inch monitor
Stud wall with two poke holes cut through it
Five terracotta clay objects on different sized plinths
Framed painting, acrylic on two 21x15cm sheets of paper
Work lamp, lighting back yard
Publication, in edition of 50

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / loop / box / cycle / video / ritual / print / darkness / light / collection / installation / studio / time / publication / sculpture / body / Eleanor_Clare / noise / plinth / screen / creation / plastic / show / landscape / sound / 2015 / view / film / rock / connection / hole / audio / chaos / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / earth / matter / wall / nature / speaker / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / megalith / sound_system / nature / water / Assembly_House_Studios / shrine / acoustic / barrier / rubish / projection / site / voice / Bergen_Kommune / ceramic / feel / hands / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / gap / back / Mike_Winnard / winter / Ellie_MacGarry / Rufus_Newell / clay / Lester_Drake / Tigh_na_Cailleach / ancient / Matt_Wheeldon / C-print / Arthurs_Seat / New_Haven_Bay / whispering / Granton_Mound / Poke_Holes / monitor / painting / Halhjem_Helleristninger / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / lamp / bass_amp /

About Time Festival 2015-12-15

Eleanor Clare & Dillan Marsh: The Travels of The Toucher
20th-29th Nov

With cardboard boxes over their heads, and two holes punched out for their arms, they began with wet clay, and without any other idea than to see what came by handling it. What they arrived at was not a sculpture, but a way to begin. The forms were destroyed and remodelled – the possibility to reform them was always there. It was a way to get to the thing.

On a wet and windy day, they journeyed out to Tigh na Cailleach, home of the Old Woman of the Glen, just before she withdrew into her shelter for the winter. They were not sure what they might find, or what to do when they got there. They were walking a path that had been walked for thousands of years. They were looking for the very beginnings of meaning and making: to connect thousands of years ago with today. They wanted to find it, but when they found it, they didn’t know what to do next. Not there at the shrine, nor in the studio with the clay.

About Time is a satellite programme of contemporary art running from October 2015 – January 2016. It is curated by a consortium of Leeds-based artists and curators led by Mexico, Pavilion and SPUR with contributions from Assembly House Leeds, Basement Arts, Black Dogs, Leeds Animation Workshop, Left Bank, Pyramid of Arts, Seize, Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun and many others. Coinciding with the launch of the British Art Show 8, this city-wide initiative features commissioned artworks, texts and events which aim to highlight the work of artists, cultural producers and curatorial projects based in Leeds, alongside their international peers. The programme takes place across a diverse set of venues including artist-led spaces, museums and heritage buildings.

About Time Festival

Tags: exhibition / text / collaboration / cycle / circle / installation / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / costume / creation / 2015 / show / mask / rock / collage / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / helmet / poster / nature / fruit / matter / megalith / press_release / shrine / Assembly_House_Studios / festival / flyer / About_Time / pagan / suit / Norsk_Kulturradet / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Bergen_Kommune / Ellie_MacGarry / Rufus_Newell / Tigh_na_Cailleach / ancient / Lester_Drake / clay / Matt_Wheeldon / head / vegetable / Mike_Winnard / uniform / Avebury / Mascots_and_Stones /

The Travels of The Toucher 2015-12-14

With cardboard boxes over their heads and two holes punched out for their arms, they began with wet clay, and without any other idea than to see what came by handling it. What they arrived at was not a sculpture, but a way to begin. The possibility to destroy and remake was always there: it was just a means of getting to the thing.

On a wet and windy day, they journeyed out to Tigh na Cailleach, home of the Old Woman of the Glen, just before she withdrew into her shelter for winter. They were not sure what they might find, or what to do when they got there. They were walking a path that had been walked for thousands of years. They were hopeful that they would make their destination on time, and fearful of regret, lest they should have to turn back. It was not that time or nature were against them; it was simply that the elements continued, and would continue interminably, before them, after them and in spite of them. The night was drawing closer with every step further into the heart of the glen. Colours were changing to soft and rusty ochres, greens and bluey-greys. The form of the land was becoming gentler and more rounded. The deep, broad loch had now tapered off into a trickling stream; yet the wind raged on, and the rain beat with a stinging patter against against their faces.

They were looking for the very beginnings of meaning and making: to connect thousands of years ago with today. They wanted to find it, but when they arrived, they still didn’t know what to do. Not there at the shrine, nor in the studio with the clay.

This work has been kindly supported by: Assembly House Studios, About Time, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bergen Kommune, Norsk Kulturradet (Arts Council Norway)

The Travels of The Toucher

The Travels of The Toucher

Dillan Marsh & Eleanor Clare
Assembly House Studios 20-29 Nov. 2015
Sat. & Sun. 1-4pm or by appointment

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / cycle / video / drive / ritual / darkness / light / installation / time / publication / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / religion / creation / edition / landscape / 2015 / sound / catalogue / archetype / rock / audio / chaos / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / future / wall / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / megalith / sound_system / seek / water / creativity / press_release / nature / touch / Assembly_House_Studios / shrine / cardboard / pagan / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / ceramic / site / Bergen_Kommune / Mike_Winnard / storm / Matt_Wheeldon / Tigh_na_Cailleach / Lester_Drake / winter / ancient / Rufus_Newell / Ellie_MacGarry / Arthurs_Seat / weather / travel / Face /

Cash & Carry, Entree 2015-12-10

Cash & Carry, Entree Cash & Carry, Entree Cash & Carry, Entree
Cash & Carry
05.12 – 09.01
Markeveien 4b

5012 Bergen

Tue 12- 6pm
Wed 12- 6pm
Thu 12- 8pm
Fri 12- 6pm
Sat 12- 6pm
Sun 14- 7pm

Marthe Elise Stramrud, Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, Tom Kosmo, Azar Alsharif, Lasse Arikstad, Dillan Marsh, Magnhild oen Nordahl, Cato Loland, Bjorn Mortensen, Toril Johannessen, Heidi Bjorgan, Stian Adlandsvik, Lars Korff Lofthus, Bjorn-Henrik Lybeck, Johanna Lettmayer, Anngjerd Rustand, Julie Lillelien Porter, Anne Marthe Dyvi, Borghild Rudjord Unneland, Malin Lennstrom-Ortwall, Kay Arne Kirkebo, Randi Nygard, Tatiana Lozano, Klara Sofie Ludvigsen, Lisa Him-Jensen, Torgrim Sund, Kirsti van Hoegee, Sif Ankergard, Gabriel Johann Kvendseth, Terence Koh, Scott Elliott, Trollkrem, Linn Pedersen, Tag Andersson, Kristin Tarnesvik, Vilde Salhus Roed.

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / system / cycle / light / studio / sun / orbit / Entree / costume / solar / order / 2015 / archetype / mask / double / disguise / collage / cosmos / constellation / press_release / Randi_Grov_Berger / Francois_Hugo / spectrum / planets / Nestle / star / gold / Peter Cailler / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Hugo_and_the_Planets /

MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery 2015-10-20

MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery
The Museum of Longing and Failure is a collecting entity that seeks to reveal the visual terrain of its thematic concern.
Installment No. 16 appeared at the Vancouver Art/Book Fair in the courtrooms of the Vancouver Art Gallery in Vancouver, Canada, from October 16th to 18th, 2015.


MOLAF, No. 16, Oct. 16 - 18. 2015

Nadia Belerique (CA)
Jacob Glesson (CA)
Josefine Lyche (NO)
Dillan Marsh (NO/UK)

Marble, dumbbell spanner, chocolate wrapper, 13x6x6 cm, 2015

Tags: exhibition / documentation / fair / collection / sculpture / podium / plinth / 2015 / gallery / fail / platform / court / Trophy / press_release / longing / failure / Jacob_Glesson / MOLAF / Josefine_Lyche / Andrew_Taggart / Nadia_Belerique / Chloe_Lewis / Vancouver_Art_Gallery /

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage 2015-02-14

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / collaboration / repeat / box / cycle / energy / ritual / darkness / studio / orbit / Eleanor_Clare / universe / costume / 2015 / mask / carnival / dance / double / therapy / disguise / collage / dizzy / chaos / spinning / theatre / sick / Comedy_and_Tragedy / tape / head / rubbing / mummers / sandpaper /

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-09-09

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

- collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Series 22
- role playing dice with the numbers removed and in the forms of the 5 Platonic Solids
- collage with Bulgari advertisement Eternal Values and bookmark with Vanitas by Jan van Huysum
- RUSH, Yikes and Power Promotions (1992) on a small white stool
- Collage with Odyssey, a Journey into Dance and postcard Urnascher Sylvesterchause
- Trophy, marble base, universal imperial spanner and chocolate wrapper
- Tomorrow is Born, Acidica Productions (Shepton Mallet, 1992)
- postcard of Arosa 1800m, Innerarosa, Alpentobel, Erzhorn
- digital machine timer Red Lion 202/95EC (counting the time in milliseconds)
- NEW AGE (Milton Keynes)
- a toy Halloween pumpkin
- mono-print on paper Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / documentation / fair / cycle / energy / production / ritual / print / space / collection / installation / Norway / time / sculpture / New_Age / noise / black / costume / white / scenery / death / plastic / creation / landscape / orange / music / geometry / cube / carnival / dance / mask / pyramid / 2014 / new / motion / advetisement / collage / presentation / summer / future / Trophy / cosmos / poster / club / wall / chair / postcard / nature / riot / rave / cruise / still_life / constellation / rainbow / solar_system / tool / festival / Francois_Hugo / band / colour / Seljord / Rush / triangle / free-party / Skjoenne_Sjeler / flyer / Nestle / gold / M25 / Ellen_H_Suhrke / vegetable / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / utopia / Anond_Versto / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / timer / Vanitas / Kohler / odyssey / mono-print / polygon / hour_meter / Sunderland / Mayhem / eternal / Dodecahedron / stripes / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / mountain / Bulgari / 1990 / hexagon / Jan_van_Huysum / stool / Piramid Stage / Out_of_Key / Arosa / Tomorrow_is_Born / pumpkin / spanner / Milton_Keynes / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / Shepton_Mallet / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / marble / 1992 / Halloween / chocolate /

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue 2014-08-10

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / text / collaboration / super / Norway / publication / total / universe / costume / landscape / catalogue / mask / astronomy / motion / 2014 / helmet / cosmos / poster / nature / solar_system / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / star / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Nestle / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Anond_Versto / Ellen_H_Suhrke /

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts. untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / fair / arena / temporary / car / movement / driving / drive / ritual / architecture / circle / modular / installation / Norway / sculpture / tube / incomplete / scaffold / custom / pyramid / dysfunctional / camp / 2014 / tire / presentation / summer / accumulator / Burnout / roundabout / cruise / festival / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / site / cruising /

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / fair / arena / vehicle / temporary / transport / car / cycle / movement / energy / video / ritual / drive / desire / light / circle / darkness / installation / Norway / sun / time / action / universe / noise / lights / solar / landscape / carnival / archetype / custom / view / camp / 2014 / motion / machismo / field / crowd / dizzy / burn / panoramic / chaos / spinning / dvd / trick / speed / Burnout / speaker / sound_system / constellation / rave / cruise / theatre / pool / camera / festival / Rush / free-party / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / Anond_Versto / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / river / free_party / Rhine / nitrogen / sunrise / car_park / russ / techno / tunnel / concert /

4824589026_548963af86 2014-02-23


Tags: research / exhibition / competition / red / sport / blue / box / fair / game / portable / yellow / process / show / cube / modern / children /

Kardashian_Christmas_Card 2013-12-20


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / photograph / brand / stand / ritual / desire / darkness / light / fake / artificial / booth / 2013 / studio / collapse / shop / podium / retail / costume / plastic / lights / cabinate / simulation / archetype / pyramid / dioramas / residue / pile / advetisement / Trophy / chaos / billboard / status / mirror / rainbow / America / reconstruction / camera / plant / utopia / awkward / bust / David_LaChapelle / christmas / kardashian /

Flag New York City, Performa 13 2013-11-20

Flag New York City, Performa 13 Flag New York City, Performa 13

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / print / super / 2013 / publication / slogen / total / Entree / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / America / New York / SUPER_TOTAL / Peforma13 Hub / performa /

Flag New york City, Catalogue 2013-11-20

Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / print / super / 2013 / publication / Entree / total / catalogue / America / Randi_Grov_Berger / performa / New York / Peforma13 Hub / SUPER_TOTAL / Natasha_Marie_Llorens /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / stand / repeat / loop / vehicle / race / structure / belief / car / cycle / driving / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / circle / darkness / space / installation / collection / 2013 / collapse / orbit / time / action / New_Age / noise / black / animation / costume / screen / tube / solar / scaffold / sound / gallery / music / geometry / modified / mask / cube / dance / custom / pyramid / wheel / film / shelving / rock / fire / machismo / tire / disguise / burn / helmet / steel / presentation / dome / rubber / dvd / riot / Burnout / speed / road / club / postcard / solar_system / rave / roundabout / Francois_Hugo / phenomena / cardboard / band / spectrum / rubish / planets / tank / march / drum / ladder / free-party / Nestle / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / Kohler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / Piramid Stage / geo-dome / 1981 / Glastonbury / 2000 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Marduk / dice / Nothing_About_Trees / E_C_Cawte /

Helios, animation 2013-09-16

Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / red / repeat / loop / race / cycle / energy / video / drive / circle / light / 2013 / time / Entree / animation / yellow / stripe / June_Twenty_First / simulation / dance / circus / speed / pattern / colour / pass / heliotherapy / sequence / line / Helios /

Installation Process Entree 2013-09-05

Installation Process Entree Installation Process Entree Installation Process Entree

Tags: work / exhibition / equipment / component / box / arena / temporary / production / installation / 2013 / studio / Entree / June_Twenty_First / process / helmet / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / sketch /

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen 2013-08-14

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen photo Randi Grov Berger June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / arena / temporary / structure / installation / Norway / 2013 / Entree / Eleanor_Clare / animation / yellow / tube / stripe / June_Twenty_First / vinyl / tire / pile / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / helmet / presentation / steel / Patrick_Wagner / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / checkered / octagon /

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) 2013-08-14

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) Produced in collaboration with Patrick Wagner June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner)

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / edition / June_Twenty_First / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

Apis Press Publication 2013-08-14

printed by Apis Press in collaboration with Bjorn Mortensen and Entree all texts by Eleanor Clare Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / collaboration / print / 2013 / publication / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / universe / June_Twenty_First / edition / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / Bergen / Apis_Press / Appendix /

Camilla Brochs-Haukedal, Kunstforum Review 2013-07-12


Fart, glede og kosmiske referanser

Camilla Brochs-Haukedal - 12.07.2013

Med utstillingen June Twenty-First pa entree i Bergen, byr Dillan Marsh pa flere assosiasjoner, fra pop art til motorsykkellop, fra midtsommerfeiring til reklameskilt.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Slagverk, motorsykkel og reklame

Gjennom en stor skjelettlignende stalkonstruksjon trer vi inn i Dillan Marshs (f. 1980, UK) romdekkende installasjon, June Twenty-First, laget spesielt for entree. Utstillingen bestar av flere komponenter som hver for seg fungerer som selvstendige verk, men utstillingen har en tittel og ingen verksliste, det er derfor naturlig a lese den som en installasjon.

Langs veggene, innenfor porten, er det snekret opp benker, eller temporaere tribuner, umalte og ubehandlede. Med en skranende fremside er de litt ubehagelige a sitte pa, og uten a ha bli invitert til det, hadde jeg nok ansett dem som en ramme rundt resten av utstillingen, en ramme som for ovrig fint knytter de enkelte verkene sammen til en helhet i rommet.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

I midten av hesteskoen av tribuner troner fire soyler i forskjellig hoyde, bygget opp av gummidekk, trommer, flerkantede esker og motorsport-hjelmer. alle komponentene ser ut til a vaere godt brukt og baerer preg av a ha levd et liv for de som object trouve; ble deler av Marshs kunstverk.

Bak soylene pa motsatt vegg, vis a vis inngangsdoren, er to flagg i kryss i rod og gult. Fargene og monstrene gar igjen i den store stripen som dominerer hele vindusveggen til entree, og pa skjermene som apenbarer seg i sideblikket idet man gar inn i rommet. Denne skulpturen er satt sammen av tre skjermer, stroppet sammen i en stabel. Bildene pa skjermene varierer i hastighet og virker bade forstyrrende og samtidig levende og livlig, mye takket vaere fargene og de raske, repetetive bevegelsene.

a day at the races

Dekkene, flaggene, materialene og ikke minst hjelmene, sammen med en sterkt tilstedevaerende lukt av gummi fra dekkene og de sterke fargene gult og rodt, gjor; det vanskelig a losrive seg fra assosiasjoner til motorsykkellop. Jeg innrommer et tidligere flerarig fan-forhold til eurosport, MotoGP, alex Barros og Valentino Rossi, men selv uten dette er assosiasjonen svaert naerliggende.

Med gult og rodt som dominante farger i utstillingen, er assosiasjoner til store reklameskilt for bensinstasjoner som Shell heller ikke langt unna. Marsh har tidligere brukt grep fra reklameskilt og merkevarebygging i sine verk. I utstillingen June Twenty-First er det selve virkemidlene i den kommersielle markedsforingen Marsh tar i bruk: de sterke fargene, brandingen av entrees store vindu og det repetetive monsteret pa skjermene.

Med utstillingen gjor Marsh galleriet til en storre del av sin utstilling enn bare et rom a vise kunsten i. entrees egen logo er fjernet fra vinduet, i stedet er vinduene dominert av to store, rode linjer som motes i en spiss i midten og som gjor entree svaert synlig fra utsiden, et blikkfang i gaten pa samme mate som de store Shell-skiltene er langs motorveiene. Som entree skriver pa sin nettside: 'entree finds itself re-branded and built into the concept of the work on show'.

Med disse grepene er referansene til pop art ogsa sterkt tilstedevaerende, i bade bade form og innhold. De sterke fargene og det repetetive monsteret samt Marshs bevisste bruk av kommersiell markedsforingsvirkemidler kan ikke annet enn a gjenkalle andy Warhol.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

a samles rundt balet

Apningsdagen til Marshs utstilling falt pa 21. juni, som er sommersolverv, arets lengste dag. Fest og feiring er assosiert med tiden rett etter denne dagen i aret med flest soltimer. Her i Norge er det Sankthans som gjelder, med feiring, bal og fest, men det a feire midtsommer har tradisjoner mye eldre enn kristendommen. Ved a kalle utstillingen, eller installasjonen, June Twenty-First, pakaller Marsh en positiv stemning assosiert med sommer, sol, fest og ritualer. Tittelen har tilsynelatende ikke noe umiddelbar sammenheng med verkene utstilt, annet enn at apningen falt pa denne fredagen. Sammenhengen ma vi derfor reflektere rundt selv, hjulpet av introduksjonen pa entrees nettsider, ogsa de for anledningen rod- og gulrutet lik monsteret pa skjermene og ett av flaggene i visningsrommet.

Gjennom tittelens referanse til sommersolverv soker utstillingen, ifolge nettsiden, a vise hvordan vi gjennom deltakelse i storre eller mindre feiringer, tilstelninger og ritualer ogsa er del av et storre system, faktisk et kosmisk system. Denne forbindelsen synes svaert subtil i opplevelsen av installasjonen, det er ikke lett a fa fatt i hvordan kunstnerens overordnede budskap skal overfores. Men den nye publikasjonen av apis Press, lansert samme dag og i forbindelse med utstillingen, med tekster av eleanor Clare, kan kaste lys over Marshs inspirasjonskilder, og hvordan vi kan tolke tittelen og verkene utstilt.


Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

I tillegg til a havne pa arets lengste dag, markerte apningen av June Twenty-First lanseringen av nevnte publikasjon, og lanseringen av forste utgave av Utstillingsguide for Bergen (utstillingsguide.no). Vernissagen markerte altsa flere begivenheter og gjorde installasjonen i seg selv til en arena for festligheter og feiring. Og det er en positiv opplevelse a vaere i rommet med de bevegelige skjermbildene og soylene av dekk og trommer og hjelmer, de sterke fargene og den litt skarpe lukten. Som installasjon har Marsh fatt mye ut av entrees lokaler, det er en vellykket bruk av rommet.

Installasjonen kan leses og tolkes pa mange mater, det er mye a ta av bade i referansene og i opplevelsen av rommet, og er vel verd et besok.  Men pa tross av at jeg aner noen interessante assosiasjonene rundt ritualer, systemer og var alles soken etter tilhorighet og plass i den store sammenhengen, ma jeg innromme at jeg fremdeles finner det litt vanskelig a losrive meg fra inntrykket av a vaere pa et MotorGP-lop.

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / red / text / repeat / loop / box / arena / race / structure / cycle / driving / drive / circle / Norway / 2013 / action / sculpture / Entree / New_Age / noise / yellow / solar / process / June_Twenty_First / gallery / connection / new / midsummer / solstice / summer / Randi_Grov_Berger / march / arch / review / motorcycle / Camilla _Brochs-Haukedal / Kunstforum /

Fermilab Dodecahedron 2013-07-03

Fermilab Dodecahedron Fermilab Dodecahedron

Tags: research / exhibition / temporary / structure / production / architecture / modular / incomplete / scaffold / geometry / custom / modern / new / chamber / dome / pod / pentagon / Dodecahedron / lab /

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen 2013-06-21

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / design / video / Norway / 2013 / Entree / animation / yellow / midsummer / Bergen /

whales and dinosaurs 2013-04-28

whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs whales and dinosaurs

Tags: research / exhibition / stage / facade / fair / transport / collection / fake / artificial / model / scenery / show / simulation / scale / big / dioramas / museum / skin / set / postcard / elephant / giant / reconstruction / taxidermy / raft / dinosaur / whale /

Frankfurt Messe 2013-04-25

Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe

Tags: research / work / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / architecture / artificial / 2013 / enterprise / sale / show / camp / roundabout / Frankfurt / concrete / Messe /

disappearances 2013-03-09

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / box / belief / game / video / fake / collection / empty / simulation / show / magic / garage / crate / trick / chair / disappearance / 2009 / reveal /

Horizon Publication 2012-10-20

Horizon Publication Horizon Publication Horizon Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / collaboration / stand / structure / architecture / elevation / Norway / publication / sculpture / podium / plinth / scenery / landscape / scaffold / scale / dioramas / view / platform / museum / panoramic / stair / viewpoint / Bergen / Mathijs_van_Geest / international / interchange / nordic / perspective / Moderna_Museet / Baldvin_Einarsson / Helene_Norseth / Michelle_Teran / Werner_Nekes / Reykjavik / symposium / Kari_Stefansson / Emma_Houlihan / Bryndis_Bjornsdottir / Hulda_Stefansdottir / Stockholm / Lina_Zaveckyte / Pella_Kagerman / Domas_Rukas / Karen_Kipphoff / Olav_Westphalen / Vilnius / Asta_Ostrovskaja / Gabriele_Edlbauer / Marjolijn_Dijkman / Sindri_Snaer_Sveinbjargar_Leifsson / Irma_Stanaityte /

bolt guard rails 2012-10-20

bolt guard rails

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / equipment / product / component / stand / temporary / structure / production / modular / elevation / stadium / communicaton / portable / podium / plinth / tube / scenery / lights / scaffold / show / steps / platform / aluminium / gantry / carpet / rail /

A-frame 2012-10-07


Tags: research / exhibition / competition / stage / equipment / sport / component / race / game / board / training / win / success / course / athletics / steps / obstacle / league / discipline / dedication / triangle / dog / hurdle /

connectors 2012-09-02

connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors

Tags: research / exhibition / sign / equipment / product / component / stand / system / box / structure / function / production / modular / collection / shop / range / portable / furniture / tube / retail / sale / cube / connection / pipe /

feet 2012-09-01

feet feet feet feet feet

Tags: research / exhibition / equipment / product / component / stand / system / structure / collection / collapse / furniture / retail / tube / scaffold / shelving / aluminium / feet /

Mercedes Frankfurt 2012-08-30

Mercedes Frankfurt

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / photograph / facade / sport / system / fair / arena / temporary / car / driving / drive / modular / elevation / podium / plinth / enterprise / gantry / Mercedes / Frankfurt / 1969 /

elephant 2012-08-30

elephant elephant

Tags: research / exhibition / stage / photograph / facade / structure / fake / collection / installation / booth / model / studio / body / podium / plinth / scenery / cabinate / incomplete / scaffold / simulation / scale / dioramas / big / disguise / platform / museum / Trophy / skin / panoramic / pod / still_life / reconstruction / elephant / giant / taxidermy /

Drag Edition Modified 2012-08-26

Drag Edition Modified

Tags: research / exhibition / competition / stage / photograph / equipment / sport / fair / vehicle / transport / movement / car / driving / drive / modified / engine / status / pipe / hot_rod /

Advanced Audio 2012-08-26

Advanced Audio

Tags: research / exhibition / competition / equipment / vehicle / car / movement / driving / noise / incomplete / sound / modified / big / audio / status / speaker / listening / mdf / sub /

olympia stadium 2012-08-25

olympia stadium

Tags: research / exhibition / competition / stage / photograph / sport / arena / race / belief / architecture / empty / stadium / course / big / athletics / olympic / field / olympia /

arena 2012-08-25


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / photograph / sport / stand / arena / movement / game / space / team / stadium / action / sponsorship / court /

stadium and swimming pool 2012-08-25

stadium and swimming pool stadium and swimming pool

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / photograph / arena / race / temporary / game / architecture / space / stadium / win / athletics / olympic / modern / pool / international / 1936 / athens / 1906 /

podium 2012-08-25


Tags: research / exhibition / competition / stage / photograph / sport / stand / arena / race / game / elevation / team / stadium / podium / motivation / training / win / plinth / order / success / course / show / athletics / steps / platform / olympic / track / Trophy / obstacle / court / stair / status / league / usa / feet / priority / olympia / overcome / adidas /

lis hartel 1952 2012-08-25

lis hartel 1952

Tags: research / exhibition / competition / sport / arena / game / elevation / podium / training / plinth / win / success / olympic / obstacle / 1952 / lis_hartel /

super total plan diagramme 2012-08-15

super total plan diagramme super total plan diagramme

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / equipment / blue / design / collaboration / 2012 / component / box / transport / function / production / elevation / super / package / sculpture / total / diagramme / plan / drawing / cabinate / process / gallery / double / mill_race_gallery / museum / crate / Proverommet / gondolas /

studio test modules 2012-08-12

studio test modules

Tags: work / exhibition / photograph / facade / component / 2012 / temporary / function / production / modular / model / studio / plan / furniture / test / mdf /

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation 2012-08-12

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / trade / documentation / facade / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / stand / loop / box / temporary / function / production / installation / fake / Norway / artificial / shop / furniture / storage / plastic / shelving / store / Bjorn_Mortensen / fruit / chair / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / banana / tape / ceramic / tie_dye / strawberry /

expo67 2012-08-12

expo67 expo67

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / structure / architecture / modular / geometry / sponsorship / pyramid / camp / olympic / dome / postcard / Sir_Basil_Spence / Buckminster_Fuller / 1967 /

fig7 2012-08-12


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / trade / equipment / product / fair / temporary / modular / steps / stair /

giant pumpkin winners 2012-08-12

giant pumpkin winners

Tags: research / exhibition / competition / stage / photograph / sport / podium / plinth / win / scaffold / big / pile / fruit / giant / vegetable /

museum 2012-08-12


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / photograph / collection / model / sculpture / podium / plinth / gallery / dioramas / museum / arch / bust /

obmokhu exhibition 2012-08-12

obmokhu exhibition

Tags: research / exhibition / photograph / gallery / modern / constructivist / obmokhu /

Display System 2012-08-12

Display System Display System Display System

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / trade / equipment / product / facade / stand / system / fair / structure / architecture / modular / booth / shop / furniture / sale / modern / store / aluminium /

Seeking Disappearance and Escape 2012-01-11

Seeking Disappearance and Escape Seeking Disappearance and Escape Seeking Disappearance and Escape

Tags: research / exhibition / stage / facade / box / game / fake / booth / escape / body / screen / cabinate / simulation / show / magic / trick / seek / disappearance / reveal /

fair stand basis 2011-12-31

fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / red / product / facade / brand / stand / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / white / variations / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-a series 2011-12-30

stand design-a series

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / facade / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-b-c-d series 2011-12-30

stand design-b-c-d series

Tags: exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / plan / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

series a01w-a17w 2011-12-30

series a01w-a17w

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / facade / stand / arena / modular / shop / 2011 / plan / animation / sale / storage / shelving / kunsthall / store / Trade_Systems /

E Johansen review 2011-08-17

Forfatter: Espen Johansen

Hver var blir et knippe studenter ferdige med mastergraden i kunst pa kunstakademiene og kunsthogskolene her til lands. Tradisjonen er at studentene viser eksamensarbeidene sine i en felles avgangsutstilling som ikke finner sted pa skolen, men pa et profesjonelt galleri. Masterbloggen har bedt masterstudenter i kunsthistorie ved universitetetene i Oslo, Bergen og Trondheim om a skrive en liten rapport fra masterutstillingen i deres hjemby. Forst ut er Espen Johansen, som har tatt turen innom utstillingen Pines & Powerlines i Bergen Kunsthall, der 24 studenter fra Kunsthogskolen i Bergen viser sine prosjekter. Utstillingen er allerede pakket ned, og nettopp derfor er det fint at Espen deler sin opplevelse av utstillingen og beskriver noen av verkene han likte aller best her pa Masterbloggen:

Det forste man opplever inne pa Bergen Kunsthall er avvisning. En slags barrikade, satt sammen av velbrukte, tilsynelatende tilfeldige elementer, er plassert like innenfor doren. Fra inngangspartiet skimter man noen ansikter over barrikaden, pa bakre vegg. Man blir fort nysgjerrig pa disse personene.

I verket, Tunings, av Sol Hallset, er den samme gutten gjengitt atte ganger i helfigur og i full storrelse (eller storre). To og to er de tegnet pa brede ruller av papir som holdes oppe av store klyper. De ulike tegningene er varierte til tross for at motivet repeteres, fordi Hallset forsterker ulike omrader med fargelegging og detaljrikdom i hver tegning. Gutten ser levende ut, og er gjengitt kjaerlig og personlig av en sirlig strek. Spesielt tegningen hvor gutten bryter den litt stive posituren og smiler bredt, vitner om et naert band mellom kunstner og motiv.

Corrina Thorntons verk, Reaching, bestar av en rekke stenger av malt leire. Noen er lent opp mot veggen, andre er montert sammen med garn, til en skulptur som strekker seg helt opp til taket. verket synes a folge en tilfeldighetens logikk. Med utgangspunkt i arr i rommets overflate har skulpturen tatt form. Thornton fant et merke pa en av lysboksene i taket. Det kvadratiske glasset er loftet pa glott, tilsynelatende holdt oppe av skulpturen som strekker seg oppover. Verket kan lett leses inn i en kunsthistorisk tradisjon, til modernistisk skulptur og prinsippet om 'drawing in space'. Samtidig er materialiteten interessant. Den harde leiren far sin motvekt i det myke garnet, og de roffe materialene gir et vakkert uttrykk. I neste rom stoter man pa et verk man forst bare ser baksiden av.

Dillan Marsh har laget en stram og usentimental modul som leder tankene mot business. Marshs verk ser ut som en vanlig 'stand' fra en (kunst-) messe, bestaende av hoyglansede MDF-plater med stenderverk av aluminium. To av sidene er apne, og innsiden er kraftig belyst av overhengende lysstoffror. Slik retter den fokus mot en del kommersielle aspekter man ofte unnlater a trekke fram. Til tross for verkets konseptuelle karakter, er det ogsa mulig a betrakte verket som et uttrykk for en industriell estetikk, grunnet dets minimalistiske formsprak. Minimalistene pa 1960-tallet gjorde seg kjent for a anvende industrielle materialer som stal, plexiglass, billakk og finerplater, til a produsere enkle og mer umiddelbare former.

Vilde Andrea Brun drofter subjektivitet og kjonnskonstruksjoner gjennom fotografi og video. Subjektivitet og femininitet er mangefasettert, og Brun sine fotografier spenner fra det mest intime gjennom en brutal aerlighet til mer poetiske skildringer. Felles er at de alltid er dypt personlige. I et videoverk skjaerer Brun et stort fotografi av en vagina i tynne strimler. Forst ett bilde pa tvers, sa et annet pa langs. De to bildene flettes deretter ritualistisk sammen, slik at motivet igjen blir synlig. Prosessen blir viktigere enn resultatet, noe tittelen Selvrefleksjon underbygger. Kunst som tematiserer femininitet benytter seg ofte av et velkjent formsprak, men Brun unngar gjentakelser, og skaper i stedet en ny sammenstilling av tankevekkende enkeltelementer gjennom sin apne og personlige tilnaerming.

Som seg hor og bor pa en slik avgangsutstilling favner kunststudentene bredt, bade med tanke pa uttrykk og tema. Flere av verkene er utfordrende, bade estetisk og konseptuelt, og i det ryddige utstillingsrommet blir verkene til de 24 kunstnerne godt representert.
E Johansen review

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / brand / stand / fair / structure / architecture / modular / space / booth / Norway / vinyl / kunsthall / modern / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / review / carpet / Espen_Johansen / minimalism /

pop-up pannel range 2011-08-17

pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / sign / stage / equipment / product / facade / brand / component / stand / system / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / artificial / booth / collapse / communicaton / shop / range / package / portable / furniture / retail / enterprise / variations / circus /

fair stands 2011-08-17

fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands fair stands

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / equipment / product / brand / stand / system / architecture / modular / space / artificial / booth / shop / portable / board / furniture / screen / variations / camp / usa /

London-Book-Fair 2011-08-17

London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / space / empty / booth / shop / board / furniture / enterprise / retail / sale / cabinate / lights / shelving / chair / London_Book_Fair /

Ancasta-exhibition-display- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / sign / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / temporary / structure / production / booth / shop / retail / white / incomplete / shelving /

Exhibition-Booth-3-3- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / sign / stage / trade / product / logo / facade / component / stand / fair / arena / structure / function / architecture / modular / space / collection / booth / empty / communicaton / shop / range / portable / package / furniture / white / retail / lights / sale / sponsorship / kit / camp / chair / huayizl /

gantry 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / structure / car / elevation / lights / aluminium / gantry /

kunsthall isometric diagrammes 2011-06-17

kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / equipment / product / facade / design / brand / component / stand / repeat / system / fair / arena / temporary / structure / production / print / architecture / modular / space / collection / empty / booth / shop / range / portable / diagramme / 2011 / drawing / enterprise / process / catalogue / gallery / variations / modern / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall /

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) 2011-06-01

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) photo Jonas IB Jensen documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall)

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / facade / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / empty / booth / Norway / sculpture / 2011 / white / vinyl / kunsthall / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / florescent / carpet / Jonas_Jensen /

kunsthall isometric colour 2011-05-30

kunsthall isometric colour

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / product / facade / design / stand / fair / arena / temporary / print / architecture / modular / empty / booth / studio / plan / 2011 / drawing / white / catalogue / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric /

scale tests 2011-03-30

scale tests scale tests scale tests scale tests

Tags: work / exhibition / stage / space / plan / 2011 / gallery / test / scale / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall /

tag team documentation 2010-11-19

tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / equipment / logo / facade / sport / blue / brand / component / fair / arena / race / temporary / transport / game / production / team / installation / empty / Norway / communicaton / 2010 / white / screen / storage / course / dysfunctional / residue / Tag_Team / court / steel / obstacle / presentation / back / enamel_paint /

Panoramic Interchange 2010-10-20

Panoramic Interchange Hulda Stefánsdóttir
Travelling creates an odd conflict between longing to cut loose from yourself to see things in a different way while all the time consciously translating your same self into a foreign environment. Struggling to be just here while you are undeniably always also there, someplace else. Here are some moments travelled and places seen, both purposefully looking and aimlessly open towards what was there.

You Are Here is an exhibition of new work by 16 artists connected to the art academies of Bergen, Vilnius, Reykjavik and the Royal Art Institute, Stockholm.



International Symposium at
Moderna Museet, Cinema
Exercisplan 4,
Stockholm, Skeppsholmen

Friday, September 17th, from 10.00 – 18.00 hrs.

Historical panoramas used to offer a view of a city- or landscape - as seen from the point of view of an artist or photographer. Be it in painting, print or photography, the viewer received an often entertaining, informative and complete overview of a certain place at a certain time.

Digital media and networking have widened the scope of street, urban and landscape views to include 360” zoomable, interactive views, maps and directories - each in turn equipped with multiple options for further layers of information. Former blind spots might be rapidly disappearing in the ever more detailed complexity of available and accessible information. Furthermore the subject of individuality, the right to control, manipulate, protect and reveal personal information is challenged and hollowed out. The digital fingerprints left behind everywhere endanger our bank accounts and our privacy. In separate developments the decoding of the human gene is also leading to radical new perspectives regarding our rights to access information, questioning the individuality of humans and the way societies are organized.

Having arrived at this interchange, the artists, collectors, theoreticians and scientists participating in the symposium will present their material and ideas on the historical, current and emerging understanding of the observation, mapping and organization of different types of landscapes - beginning with historical viewing devices, the understanding and representation of landscapes (Werner Nekes) to the analysis of the genetic decoding of the individual and its social and cultural implications (Kári Stefánsson), further to an artists perspective of contemporary architecture, utopia and urban space (Marjolijn Dijkman) to the modelling, playing and interference with, as well as the questioning of, contemporary networked and mediatised societies (Michelle Teran).

(b. 1944) lives in Mülheim an der Ruhr in Germany
Since 1965, filmmaker and media artist Werner Nekes has produced over 100 films and his work has been presented internationally at major museums and festivals.
Furthermore, Nekes has compiled one of the most important private collections of artifacts documenting 500 years of pre-cinematographic experiments as well as developments in the early history of film, focusing on spatial and temporal principles of representation.

(b. 1978) lives in Rotterdam in The Netherlands, Brussels in Belgium and Saint Mihiel in France.

Through her diverse work Dutch artist Marjolijn Dijkman often considers the foundations of how we perceive and experience our surroundings – the conventions and categories which underlie the comprehension, or not, of the world around us. Ranging from photographic archives and films, to landscape interventions and the organization of exhibitions and experimental residencies, Dijkman’s practice has concerned itself with futurology, public space, knowledge organization, cartography, utopian architecture or environmentalism, for example, with a particular emphasis on collaboration.

KARI STEFANSSON, M.D., DR. MED., Executive Chairman and President of Research
(b.1949) lives and works in Reykjavik in Iceland
Kári Stefánsson, M.D., Dr. Med. founded deCODE in August 1996. Dr. Stefánsson was previously a professor of Neurology, Neuropathology and Neuroscience at Harvard University and Director of Neuropathology at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. From 1983 to 1993, he held faculty positions in Neurology, Neuropathology and Neurosciences at the University of Chicago. Dr. Stefánsson received his M.D. and Dr. Med. from the University of Iceland and is board-certified in neurology and neuropathology in the United States. Dr. Stefansson is recognized as a leading figure in human genetics. He has shaped deCODE's scientific approach and been actively engaged in leading its gene discovery work, serving as senior author on most of the company's publications in major scientific journals.

(b. 1966) lives and works in Berlin in Germany

Born in Canada, Michelle Teran explores the interaction between media and social networks in urban environments. She develops performances, with the audience often participating via the staging of urban interventions such as guided tours, walks and open-air projections, participatory installations and happenings.
One of her recent projects, Buscando al Sr. Goodbar (2009), is a threefold tour through the Spanish town Murcia simultaneously taking place by bus as well as on Google Earth and YouTube.

Michelle received the Transmediale Award 2010, the Prix Ars Electronica honorary mention (2005, 2010) as well as the Vida 8.0 Art & Artificial Life International Competition.

Tags: exhibition / recent_work / collaboration / publication / 2010 / landscape / view / museum / panoramic / viewpoint / interchange / international / Mathijs_van_Geest / Moderna_Museet / nordic / symposium / Asta_Ostrovskaja / Gabriele_Edlbauer / Kari_Stefansson / Lina_Zaveckyte / Baldvin_Einarsson / Helene_Norseth / Marjolijn_Dijkman / Olav_Westphalen / Emma_Houlihan / Bryndis_Bjornsdottir / Hulda_Stefansdottir / Sindri_Snaer_Sveinbjargar_Leifsson / Irma_Stanaityte / Vilnius / Pella_Kagerman / Domas_Rukas / Karen_Kipphoff / Michelle_Teran / Werner_Nekes / Reykjavik /

Documentation (untitled sculpture) 2010-09-20

Documentation (untitled sculpture)

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / facade / fair / arena / game / architecture / elevation / fake / model / empty / escape / sculpture / podium / 2010 / furniture / plinth / scenery / course / scaffold / landscape / scale / view / dioramas / steps / platform / circus / panoramic / obstacle / perspective / Stockholm /

installation process tag team 2010-08-19

installation process tag team installation process tag team

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / equipment / sport / component / stand / fair / arena / temporary / race / transport / game / team / portable / 2010 / plan / training / retail / storage / course / process / test / vinyl / residue / Tag_Team / court / steel / florescent / tape / enamel_paint / foam /

Documentation (installation 5.11) 2010-05-29

Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11)

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / facade / logo / sport / stand / box / temporary / production / light / fake / installation / booth / empty / Norway / studio / communicaton / shop / board / 2010 / podium / retail / scenery / storage / stripe / incomplete / sale / lights / sponsorship / gallery / destroy / dysfunctional / shelving / store / florescent / Gallery_Fisk /

Castle and Elephant 2010-05-11

Castle and Elephant Castle and Elephant

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / documentation / video / elevation / empty / collapse / publication / communicaton / 2010 / enterprise / retail / success / orange / catalogue / fail / dysfunctional / elephant / Hannah_Conroy / Elizabeth_Rowe / Rumiko_Hagiwara / Castle_and_Elephant /

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